
2004-10-27 04:49:56
+0 606

Dear Americans

작사 : 윤민석
작곡 : 윤민석
편곡 : 윤민석
가수 : 아침의 노래

Dear Americans,
We are peace-loving people in korea.
We do hope to be friends with you.
But we believe Bush makes the world dangerous
more and more, day by day.
This is an urgent-message to American friends.
Please pay attention to these words.

No more Bush
No more War
No more killing
the sooner the better

No more Bush
No more War
No more killing
It is up to you.

Yes more peace
Yes more hope
Yes more love
the sooner the better

Yes more peace
Yes more hope
Yes more love
It is up to you.
마음연결 프로젝트는 한국게이인권운동단체 친구사이에서 2014년부터 진행하고 있는 성소수자 자살예방 프로젝트입니다.