
반이모 2004-06-22 23:47:28
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정부와 국회의원들의 무책임한 한국군 파병 결정을 국민의 손으로 바로잡읍시다.
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반이모 : 반전을 위한 이쁜이들의 모임

반이모 2004-06-23 오전 01:21

김선일씨 가족 노 대통령 면담 요구
(부산=연합뉴스) 이종민.오수희 기자 = 이라크 무장단체에 피랍된 김선일(33)씨의 가족들은 22일 오후 부산 범일동 본가에서 열린우리당 김형식 부대변인과 같은당 이미경 의원의 김우영 보좌관이 예방한 자리에서 노무현 대통령을 만나고 싶다는의견을 전달했다.

김씨의 부친 김종규(69)씨와 큰 딸 향림(41)씨는 "노 대통령을 만나 선일이의무사귀환을 직접 요청하겠다"며 "오늘이라도 당장 만나고 싶다"고 말했다.

가족들은 "파병문제에 대해서는 대통령의 의사가 가장 중요한 만큼 노 대통령을만나 선일이를 구하는데 적극 나서 줄 것을 애원하겠다"고 말했다.

이에 대해 김 부대변인은 "당을 통해 이같은 의사를 전달하겠다"면서 "그러나 대통령의 일정과 이라크 무장단체 등과의 협상진행 과정 등을 고려할 때 오늘 당장 만나기는 힘들 것 같다"고 밝혔다.


알자지라에 기사가 났다는군요.

Anxiety, grief grip South Korea

Thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of South Korea's main cities on Monday, and again on Tuesday, pleading for the release of a Korean captive held in Iraq.

A video of South Korean worker Kim Sun-Il held captive by a purported Iraqi group calling itself Jamaat al-Tawhid and Jihad shocked and outraged South Koreans on Monday.

The capture gave South Korean anti-Iraq war parties and groups ammunition in their campaign to reverse Seoul's decision to send a 3000-troop detachment to Iraq.

"The first demonstration was held last night (Monday) in central Seoul, with civic activists, students and members of a labor party holding candlelights to appeal for the release of their compatriot. Hyun Kim, a reporter with South Korea's Yonhap News Agency, told Aljazeera.net.

"Morning reports say there were also demonstrations in other cities, like the second largest city of Busan, demanding the withdrawal of the deployment plan."

On Monday, the South Korean government rejected the captor's demands under threat of execution and decided to go ahead with plans to dispatch troops by late July.

Civic protest

Never the less, South Korean civic society mobilised in a nationwide plea made through various media including the Aljazeera Satellite Channel.

Eo Yong Sun of the Democratic Labour Party of South Korea said that Koreans in general opposed the war, oppose the deployment of Korean troops in Iraq, but are pleading with Kim's captors to let him go.
Kim Sun-Il's parents are asking for
his safe return home.

"We hope the Jamaat al-Tawhid and Jihad group get our point, we are against deployment of our troops in Iraq," Yong Sun told Aljazeera.net.

South Korean academics are concerned an execution of a Korean in Iraq may sour ties between the two countries.

"What I am concerned and afraid is that the case of kidnapping Mr. Kim Sun-il will damage the arduous accomplishments and difficult future tasks of Korean and Iraqi people," said Kyu-hyung Cho, a professor at Seoul's Korea University.

"I strongly urge [the captors] to reflect the general Korean people's concern and anxiousness about this serious incident between two civil friends," he explained..

Political appeals

Political parties also issued statements condemning the invasion of Iraq and strongly pleading for the release of their countryman.

Aljazeera TV aired a videotaped appeal from two members of the Uri party to the Iraqi people and the purported group holding Kim.

"Our troops are not invaders. They are there to help rebuild Iraq and promote peace and stability for all Iraqi people," the videotape said.

South Koreans are anxious for any
news of the captive's fate

Iraq Pabyeong Bandae Bisang Gungmin Haengdong, the Korean Network Against Dispatching Troops To Iraq, which is is an umbrella organization of 365 Korean anti-war groups issued a statement to Aljazeera.net: "Today the Korean people were overcome with shock at the news the Korean Kim Seon Il has been kidnapped in Iraq.

"The Iraqi people are right to resist the US's unjust invasion, occupation, and carnage. Nevertheless, kidnapping and threatening a private citizen with death cannot be justified," the statement concluded.

Fate unknown

As the deadline set by the captors passed, Seoul woke to a second day of anxiety. Kim's fate remains undetermined as the government engaged in fierce 11th hour diplomacy to secure his release.

"People are shocked and grieved. You can read a sense of anxiety and grief from news reports and from street talks. But they know this is something that cannot be separated from the troop dispatch issue. All pray for Kim, but their views on the troop dispatch plan are sharply divided," says Hyun.

Some Internet polls show many South Koreans have turned away from the government's plan, she said.

Aljazeera + Agencies

이 글에 달린 어느 분의 해석 쪽글 :

월요일에 한국에서 수천명이 파병반대 집회했다. 김선일씨 사건은 한국에 충격을 줬다. 시민운동가, 학생, 노동당 등이 거리로 나섰다. 또한 한국시민들은 알자지라 웹사이트 등에도 접속해서 자신들의 의견을 밝혔다. 어용선이라는 민주노동당 당원은 대다수 한국시민들은 파병에 반대하며 또한 김선일씨가 풀려나갈 바라고 있다. 김선일의 부모님은 그가 돌아오길 바라고있고..
어용선 민주노동당 당원과 조규형 고려대학생의 말이 더 언급되고...
열린우리당의 논평도 소개하고 있네요... "우리 군대는 침략자가 아니다. 이라크민중을 위한 평화재건부대다."
그 담엔 파병반대국민행동의 논평이 소개되고 있고.. 파병반대국민행동은 365개의 한국반전단체가 모인 네트워크다. "이라크인들은 미국의 침략에 맞서 저항할 권리를 갖고 있다. 그러나 민간인납치와 같은 이런 방식은 정당화될 수 없다." ..........
인터넷 여론 조사는 많은 한국인들이 한국정부가 이제까지와는 다른 방식의 정책전환을 하길 바란다는 것을 보여주고 있다

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