문제의 Peter Mullen 목사
영국 국교회의 어느 목사가 자신의 블로그에 동성애 비하적인 글을 남겨 화제가 되고 있다네요. 요 웃기는 짬뽕 목사는 동성애자들은 엉덩이에 문신을 해야 한다고 주장했는데요, 엉덩이에는 '남색은 당신의 건강을 해칠 수 있다'라는 문구를, 턱에는 '오럴 섹스는 당신의 생명을 빼앗습니다'라는 문구를 새겨야 한다고 했다네요.
요 내용이 사회 문제화되자 목사는 그저 단순히 '조크'라고 주장했지만, 런던 교구에서는 '매우 불쾌한 것'이라며 블로그에서 그 글을 삭제할 것을 명령했다고 합니다. 세상엔 참으로 가지가지 뵨태 녀석들이 많아요.
추신 : 가람과 기즈베 엉덩이에는 '나를 따라오세요'라는 문신이 새겨져 있다는 소문이 있던데, 사실인가효?
Reverend Peter Mullen posted on his blog that homosexuals should be tattooed with the slogan: "Sodomy can seriously damage your health."
The Chaplain to the London Stock Exchange and rector in the City of London also called for gay pride parades and carnivals to be banned.
The 66 year old insisted it had all been a joke, but had to remove the comments from his blog - and has since issued a "full and complete apology".
He said his remarks were "injudicious" and had caused offence.
The Diocese of London said the blog is in no way reflective of their views and that while clergy are entitled to personal views, "we recognise that the content of this text is highly offensive".
The remarks were also condemned by gay rights campaign group Stonewall.
Gay rights campaigner Peter Tatchell said Reverend Mullen ought to be a spiritual guide to everyone and that if he was mocking black or Jewish people he would be instantly removed from his duties.
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