
이반시티에서 차돌바위님에게서 받아서 번역했습니다. 제가 아는 외국동성애인권단체들에 보냈습니다. 지금 이란에서의 동성애자 처벌, 나이지리아의 반동성애법 제정 등 다른 사안들이 많다보니 한국의 이런 사례 정도야 뭐 아주 작은 일이다보니 반향은 별로 없지만 한국이 유엔인권이사회 회원인데다가 아시아에서 유일하게 성소수자권리를 공개적으로 지지하는 나라이다보니 유엔인권이사회에서 일하는 사람들에게서는 반향이 있을 것 같습니다.

그럼 수고하세요.

Statement : We denounce Lee Myung-bak's Ignorance and Superficiality on Homosexuality and on the whole of Humanity  

- He stated "I am a feminist, but I am against homosexuality"

Lee Myung-bak, one of the strongest candidates for the next presidential election expressed his opposition to Homosexuality during an interview with one of the leading national newspapers in Korea. He is a leader of the Grand National Party, an ultra-right wing political party, but unfortunately the biggest party in the National Assembly. His opposition to homosexuality was based on his opinion that the sole 'normal' union is one between Man and Woman. This is a serious statement, one which makes us question his qualifications as a presidential candidate who is supposed to regard Human Rights as the highest value for the protection of the Constitution of the 'Republic of Korea'. More over, it is a hatred crime against sexual minorities who are living in 'a blind spot' of Human Rights suffering from social discrimination and oppression.

As we apparently know, there are quite a few number of countries which recognize the legal rights of homosexual people on civil union or marriage. Also, it is a global trend to recognize the right to family of sexual minorities. It has been 30 years since homosexuality was deleted from the list of psychoses. In the National level, based on the law of the National Human Right Commission, the 'Republic of Korea' makes clear her position against any forms of discrimination based on sexual orientation.

It is a fascist ideology to discriminate 'abnormality' from 'normality', which promotes heterosexuality-male-non-disability-marriage centralized patriarchy that represents oppression ideology against sexual minorities, women, disabled persons and those who have no intention of getting married. In this line, we denounce his statement as dangerous and irresponsible, as a statement that might take Korean society back to savageness and superficiality.

A more absurd statement is his claim that 'he is a feminist' in the same interview. It seems that he just mentioned 'feminism' to get female voters, although he has no idea of what 'feminism' is about. It is more than enough evidence showing how stupid and dishonest he is. If he knows that the male-family-centralized social structure is one of the same roots against woman and sexual minorities, he should not have dared to claim this self-contradictory statement, 'I am a feminist'.

Shame on you, Mr. Lee!
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마음연결 프로젝트는 한국게이인권운동단체 친구사이에서 2014년부터 진행하고 있는 성소수자 자살예방 프로젝트입니다.