
게이토끼 2007-10-15 00:08:24
+437 12030
“동성애 비판시 처벌” 입법 예고 논란

22일까지 법안 의견 받아... 팩스보내기, 반대서명 본격적 [2007-10-10 07:00]

동성애(성적지향)를 포함한 차별금지법안이 지난 2일 법무부에 의해 입법 예고된 가운데 이를 저지하기 위한 반대서명운동과 ‘반대의견 팩스보내기운동’이 기독인 교수를 중심으로 전개되는 등 동성애를 법적으로 허용하는 문제를 두고 크게 논란이 일고 있다.

이 차별금지법안은 합리적 이유 없이 가해지는 성적지향, 성별, 장애, 병력, 나이, 인종 등 20여 가지 항목에 대한 차별이 전면 금지되는 것으로써, 항목 중 성적지향은 동성애를 의미한다. 법무부는 동성애가 포함된 차별금지법안과 관련, 오는 22일까지 법안에 대한 의견을 받고 있다. 이에 팩스보내기운동이 매우 시급하게 전개되고 있으며 2주가 채 남지 않은 시간을 최대한 활용하기 위해 동성애 차별금지법안 반대서명도 16일까지 접수받고 있다.

현재 이 운동을 주도적으로 전개하고 있는 인물은 부산대학교 물리학과 길원평 교수로 그는 평소 동성애 차별금지법안에 대한 위험성을 꾸준히 알려 왔다. 그는 현재 주변 지인들에게 이메일을 통해 캠페인 동참을 요청하고 있으며, 이와 함께 배아복제반대모임 홈페이지(www.anticlone.kr)를 통해 반대서명을 받고 있다.

그는 이메일을 통해 “번거롭겠지만 5분만 시간을 내서 보내길 부탁한다. 팩스가 없다면 이메일을 통해 대신 보내드리겠다”며 “법이 만들어진 후에 후회를 하지 말고 반대에 최선을 다하자”고 참여를 간절히 요청하고 있다.

길 교수는 동성애 차별금지법안의 문제점에 대해 “동성애를 정상이라고 법적으로 인정하고, 그러한 인식을 강제력을 갖고 강요하는 것”이라며 “만약 동성애 차별금지법안이 통과되고 나면, 동성애를 비윤리적이라고 공개적인 장소에서 말하면 처벌을 받게 된다”고 경고했다.

그는 “예를 들어 모든 중고등학교에서 동성애를 정상이라고 가르쳐야 하며, 동성애로 물의를 일으킨 학생에게 징계를 할 수 없을 뿐 아니라, 동성애를 하지 않도록 상담하거나 권고조차 할 수 없다”며 “만약 그런 상담이나 징계를 하면 법에 의해서 처벌 받는다”고 위급함을 알렸다.

또 길 교수는 “TV와 같은 매스컴은 동성애의 문제점을 지적할 수 없으며, 동성애를 우호적으로 표현하는 영화, 동성애자들의 성적행위를 노골적으로 묘사하는 비디오 등이 많아질 가능성이 높다”며 “법에 의해서 동성애가 보호받고, 교육에서 동성애를 정상이라고 가르치고, 문화는 동성애를 하도록 유혹할 때, 동성애가 이 사회에 확산되는 것을 막을 길이 없다”고 이를 적극 막아야 함을 강조했다.

특히 그는 동성애 옹호자들에 대해서도 “동성애자들을 손가락질하고 괴롭히는 것은 반대한다”며 “하지만 건전한 대다수의 시민을 위해서 어느 정도의 사회적 보호막은 필요하다고 본다”고 강조했다.

길 교수는 “교육을 통해서 동성애가 비윤리적이라고 가르치는 것을 허용해야 하며 동성애로 물의를 일으킨 학생을 개인적으로 불러서 앞으로 하지 않도록 상담하고 권고할 수 있어야 한다”며 “또 전혀 반성의 기미가 없이 반복적으로 노골적으로 할 때는 어느 정도의 징계를 가할 수 있어야 하지만 이번 법안은 동성애를 정상으로 대할 것을 요구하고 있다”고 지적했다.

특히 동성애 옹호자들이 ‘동성애는 선천적으로 타고난 것’이라고 주장하는 데 대해서도 “일부 학자들이 동성애가 유전적, 생물학적인 요인에 의한 것이라고 주장하며 학술논문을 쓰고 있지만, 그것을 입증할 확실한 증거는 아직 없다”며 “만약 동성애를 유발할 유전적, 생물학적 경향이 있다 하더라도 사람은 동물과 달리 본능이나 경향을 충분히 억제할 수 있는 의지와 절제력을 갖고 있다”고 밝혔다. 길 교수는 “동성애가 환경에 의해 형성됐다고 보는 견해는 동성애에 대한 윤리도덕적 문제의식을 약화시킨다”고 덧붙였다.


본 기사에 이어 댓글란도 알흠답군요.

Rzxdcudx 2012-06-01 오후 18:58

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,yaeh Wonderful contribution, thanks

Ltgzmvhz 2012-06-01 오후 19:52

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Racism completely ruins what could be a pretty good vid!
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Cweezxfj 2012-06-01 오후 19:54

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Love it when the first thing she says after deepthroatin is yess

Gmukgkcf 2012-06-01 오후 19:54

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She looks exactly like my ex girlfriend.
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this is my favorite video

Nydhuvkb 2012-06-01 오후 20:03

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She is a nasty sexy fucking bitch! You gotta love it!
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One of my favorite pornstars. She has a sexy nose.
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Hmmmm was It my dick ???
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These guys should be fucking shot
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I still don't get it how this fine bitches downgrade themselfs by fucking this ugly,ashy monkey..fo sho

Ukqhlxen 2012-06-01 오후 20:57

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I'm really thirsty now.

Wbtyrmvq 2012-06-01 오후 21:00

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ahahaha love her look of semi-shame at the end
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WOW one of the best porn videos i have seen in a LONG time
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Her fake moaning turned me off...
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she reminds me of my neighbor

Dmoeuoro 2012-06-01 오후 21:01

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that... is so fucked up

Rivigpcw 2012-06-01 오후 21:10

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vey nice fuckin ass hole !!!
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it is NOT charmaine star
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is there more like this?
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Think that camera man needs a now job...
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She' has that look when she's getting fucked really good

Losbyphv 2012-06-01 오후 21:11

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She has pretty pussy love to get fucked by her
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Brazilian bitches need their asses sewn shut.
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Hppvfcit 2012-06-01 오후 22:07

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i want to fuck the girl too.,....................................LOLS
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somebody tell me his name
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she is horny as fuck
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Best POV I ever seen in my life. Instant Favorite!

Utocjjkz 2012-06-01 오후 22:20

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nice vid, but what's with the chirping?
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what the fuck, how the hell did he cum that much.
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the second: suffocating under words of sorrow
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This video had me sittin on the edge of my seat, I thought his dick was going to snap.
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Coulda done without the stick in the shaft, but otherwise good shit
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damn good, can anyone post more of these?
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her face at fucking :D
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why is the cameraman talking so fukin much?
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that is just amazing....she deserves every inch of dick she gets! anyone have a name?
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tiny cock indeed

Eeycfouj 2012-06-01 오후 22:49

What company are you calling from? tubesplash
Lela Star is absolutely amazing!
id cum all over those tits..mmm
thats a fucking vid
LOL not perfect At all.
that is one hot milf with great tits
If you watch the end he shoots a mini loa right up her nostril, awesome!

Tkwckjlb 2012-06-01 오후 23:06

I can't hear you very well tubesplash
She's my sister and I approve of her.
i think its the guys cum that shes squirt back out
what the fuck. kat, i love ya, but this is retarded.
good girl i love how cock looks in her mouth
hell yea beat it up old man lol
She's fucking hot!

Loofdteo 2012-06-01 오후 23:16

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id love to eat her out
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Veronika Raquel mmmmmmmmm
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Three years for Creampies!
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Worst video ever. The red head couldn't kiss and didn't want to lick the girls pussy either. Horrible.
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yeah deff hot! gotta have another threesome asap!
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das ist eine der besten Clip-Sammlungen! Sehr sehr gut!
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great vid, like to see some closeups of her craphole and feet. thanks
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She was sexy as hell. I'd have cum in her too in no time.
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i hate europeans but this video cracks me up!! serves them dinner and shit... AND THE MUSIC!!! YES!!! hahahaha!

Xrhnfvcp 2012-06-01 오후 23:16

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Heather is so horny and talented.
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Ti piace la sborra, eh? Troia!!!
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instead of giving a guy a handjob ill just suck it!
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By far the most beautiful porn-star in the business!!!
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fuck yeah cum all over ... i wanna score your hair

Rsdkblvl 2012-06-01 오후 23:19

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anyone no the name of the song in the background?
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that dude has a really white arse
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wth did she put that stuff in her mouth at first?! bleh!!
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fucking hot video
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if i was being fucked like that i would be squirting everywhere!
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i wanna kiss the pussy
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was fuer ein heisses weib sie ist
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hell yea dat pussy is pretty nice
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if you are not good looking, you just need money!

Nsnwtqkr 2012-06-01 오후 23:19

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unappealing to women.
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i smell a law suit cuming lol
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dayum i gotta become a doctora =] haha
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So are there more videos hardcore like this one?
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I love the close ups in this vid...took it to the next level
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looks like a business transaction....
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Woweee, Such nice tits. And his cock too
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Who's that girl ?
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mmmmm definitely a sweet vid.
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I love being used like that. Great fuck

Pqxwlmsz 2012-06-01 오후 23:29

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such a fucking tease in the beginning.
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she got da sexiest voice
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I would so like to lick that lovely asshole
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She is hot and she make cock super hard she looks very nice just want to fuck this cutie
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Pov means point of view.
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pscash - you are an asshole
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great ass fucking love the doggy anal and pile driver
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close this wepsite its not good fuck that
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shes so hooot!! wish i had her ass
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Natural Lela, loves it

Hbygpjlt 2012-06-02 오전 00:18

A Second Class stamp flytube
her pussy is tight, she was hurting at first
tory is a fucking freak
She is beautifull and Czech,...
she was like singing a song i guess
theres a satori (skateboard wheels) banner and a shitty matress. pretty sure its amateur
Sexy asian takn Mandingos dick... its spells for a wonderful fuck ^_^

Zxiunuzg 2012-06-02 오전 00:23

I study here flytube
this girl gives a long bj
Definitely I would enjoy this
whaaat?! i thought that dude was never gna come up for air.
mmmmmmmm shes hot who is she is she in anything else.
how is the guy his name ??
perfect ass , perfect tits and body , PERFECT VIDEO

Lcbacysc 2012-06-02 오전 00:23

I'm from England Pedo Links
Holy Crap he was wearing a wedding ring, hahahaha
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Is the male porn star Erik Everhard?
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Maybe all of her hair dye ran out into the bath...
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nacho vidal fucking rulez
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Maria Ozawa is not full on white. She is half Japanese and half Canadian. So shes only half white.
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tough break for the neighbors
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anyone know the name of the one with the black hair and huge tits?
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FUCKIN WEAK! whats up with the indian music in the bg?
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viva la vida loca
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does anyone know how big his dick is?

Nbkhivzj 2012-06-02 오전 00:27

A few months Pedo Links
such a hot reality clip
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ummm i like that hard
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Pinky is baddd!!...
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They're both huge, TITS and COCK, very nice. Love to get a BJ like that!!!
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I want that to be me!
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Camcorders used to be cumbersome!
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i would give my left nut to fuck that chick.
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She's hot as hell as a cheerleader.
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I would LOVE to suck on her tits!
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she is so fucking hot!!!

Wbyknqet 2012-06-02 오전 00:35

I'll put her on flytube
damn that was pretty hott.:]
carly did nice in this one
Wow, beautiful and sexy woman with perfect tits...but the music sucks LOL
bet that jizz tasted better then that ice cream cone lol.
Her pussy gets so full of cum they can't keep their cocks insider her
that dick is so thin jajaj

Zdquwvcy 2012-06-02 오전 00:37

Do you play any instruments? Pedo Links
please let me take his place.I would leave my cock in her pussy and give her a cream pie
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sometimes the ass is more tighter than the pussy then again i often wonder
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This girl is dead. Her name was Brittany Madison.
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i wanna be fucked like dat
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I like my roast beef with a veg.
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i love those tears of cums
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im so fukin wet now
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gran bel cazzo questo nonno !!!
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love this vid it gets me off so easy

Ohrgfdvr 2012-06-02 오전 01:31

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Who the fuck hired this porndud to perform with this hottie?
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It's not Tory Lane! It's melissa lauren
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Well what a lazy bastard he is!
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she looks like the gudge
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omg, what an ass... She's sooooo sexy. Damn!
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!!!SUPERBABE!!!, fantastic body - espacially her TITTS are great!!!
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come on.......this is pornstar
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Man he fucked her good and hard ; pounding that white pussy ; NICEE
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Yeeee Haw stick it in a grand ma!

Fnyyjmlz 2012-06-02 오전 01:35

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V V at her finest...
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Great skin and tits,ass. Hot
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i would like to get a lesson by her
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damn i would love to nail that chick! just look at her! im totally into her! anyone in for cybersex?
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fuckin babe that brunette..luv to ram her
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very very sexy vid
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a fucking stupid fat asshole, with a unlucky whore !
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She is so sexy!!!!!!!!!!!
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she is amazing! what a woman!
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Well.....Grandma gotta get hers Too!!!!!

Avkwftmp 2012-06-02 오전 01:35

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her name is alisandra monroe
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the animation is great but the sound turns me off...
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She's a stunner, does she have a name?
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I love this girl
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She has Perfect tits, he has perfect buns and legs; and yet this video sucks.
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This is definately an amazing scene.
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great improvment. Madison Ivy was hot before but she's perfect now.
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she is tooo hot for words. damn
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Does anyone know what his name is?

Slpuqtkb 2012-06-02 오전 01:44

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she is pretty hot
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Great cock, she took it like a champ
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What's the name of film? This video is too short
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she sounds like an old lady
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how many times did she cum?
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She is fucking HOTTTT!!!!!!!!
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Who is this girl?? Any help?
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I think Paris Hilton is a better whore. Kim just fails at everything.
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I would lie her to suck me. SHE IS SO SEXY.
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It's very good. Ebony and Blonde is perfect!

Mwndfaaq 2012-06-02 오전 01:45

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love the boots and your screams babe !! hope to see more of you
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i love the trimed pussy hair
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Tyy India!
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fuck rick rolled on porn hub lol youtube was bad enough
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Who is this?! She is fucking hot!
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why does tarzan look like he just came from super cuts?
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she's the goddess
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oh yeah, that's penny and she looks so damn good.
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funny as hell hahaha
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she's not British but she is a very good looking girl

Aamyaelg 2012-06-02 오전 01:47

An envelope p0rno
who is she? i like her!
I love this destroying
so cute face....mmmm....
OMG i want to be fucked like that
She got head game! Champ!
this girl is really hot and wish it was a little longer

Ueiytgpx 2012-06-02 오전 01:51

Do you know the address? p0rno
This is serious! I love this video!
Why did she feel the need to get the titjob? She looked better before.
this is hot shit!
she is looooooooooooooose. but i guess she needs to be to take that mule.
i need some italian girl right now...
eve is fuckin hot she makes me wanna blow my load in her face

Zboapvlg 2012-06-02 오전 02:04

How much were you paid in your last job? p0rno
She is such a freak! I love a girl that loves to suck cock and deepthroat!
that girl deserves a reward
nice milf aging well. The music and overdubbing however is quite gay!
Vince Neil from Motley Crue and Porn Star Janine!...sweet!
that is disgusting .
Whats this chicks name?

Cbzkfgyb 2012-06-02 오전 02:41

Have you seen any good films recently? Girl Models
Hot girl and a guy with a great cock...pretty much the perfect video!
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I love how girls shake their hips when they take their pants off
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thats a good sized piece of black meat there, lucky girl
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Can i download this video??
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WOW she is fucking hawt! love the tits, and the piercings, and damn she can ride
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The guy cant fuck for shit..
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Amazing milf.... anyone knows her name??
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great girl and nice fucking but the qualaty could be better...
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There are quite a few videos of her around.

Iawpmqzv 2012-06-02 오전 02:42

I have my own business Pedo Cp
i posted another video with this girl. super cute.
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Aww man Rachel Starr, sucha babe, would loveeeee to fuck her...
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Surprisingly hot for a shemale.
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Where is this place located at.
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vid + song (Motherfucking Whore by Dana Immanuel) is just perfect
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It's very obvious that the audio is from another video and they just slapped it on this one.
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man i wander how they do it to squirt.... can some one teach me plz!!!!
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yes indeed she is sexy and what a good fuckin she needs ...daily...
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ya i loved how this fat cock came out on its own and jerked around like crazy! nice
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ok no one gets pleasure out of sucking a fake dick?

Dewfbiif 2012-06-02 오전 02:43

I can't hear you very well Girl Models
the sound is really off on this one
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She So Fckin Sexy
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by far the best video on this website.
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No one can tell me who is the actress of mi avatar????
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What her name? Looking out for more of her
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she is HOT!!!! wow
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she is unbelievably cute!
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Fmuoplby 2012-06-02 오전 02:45

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love that nice giggly butt. I'd love to just run my tongue up and down inbetween her butt cheaks. yummu
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beats doing paperwork
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damn... sorta makes you wanna just bite your fist and weep lol
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I agree with Humanarious, the ass... weird fetishy thing was really disgusting... but from then on it was awesome ;-)
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lost the one girl in the chair - urban camo?
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I love the softcore girl. shes sexy
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MANDIDNGO!!! that guy has a firehose pepe
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OMG, her faking is so bad. She sounds like a crying baby sometimes
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loool Thanks for sharing this

Atwmfrsv 2012-06-02 오전 02:54

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I can't wait for holographic porn... she's on the list!
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Add me girls , skype : Zillexx
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She is pretty talented.
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Wow, wish I was there...makes me wet
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sad for posting it RIP Haley
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she is sexy but the video was weak
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would love to see the whole video
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he kinda looks like REDMAN
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yeha this is how i like it!
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How noble of her; sucking and fucking for money!

Tfkwkofh 2012-06-02 오전 02:55

We'll need to take up references Pedo Cp
Lucky man, she is bloody beautiful!
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I want more. Is there room for another cock?
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Ariana is sexy I would love to fuck her!!
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What the film name please?
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i think its the guys cum that shes squirt back out
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i love the begining
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:yaeh This is just great
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eeew right in the eye!
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she rode the hell out that dick!
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|hoooho . ich mag es voll wenn frauen es richtig hart kriegen! Ich werde feucht davon!

Zijtqsuw 2012-06-02 오전 03:50

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i will to
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she looks like she's actually drunk, which could be a lot of fun
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They did an awesome job, together. Too bad the music was awful that accompanied it.
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omg fukin made my pussy sooo wet !!
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I love her pussy, I wanna eat it
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i licked my friend out and she squirted in my mouth x
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wow, thats amazinggg
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Who is she?
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YO to much Infomation
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damn where'd all these other men come from?

Elrbjbkf 2012-06-02 오전 03:51

Who do you work for? Underwear Models
damn i'd like to ass fuck these girls
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Who is that hottie? He's got skills.
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she reminds me of that girl from scary movie except wit dark hair
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very sexy girl, yes sir.
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I would die a happy woman if Nina H. would eat me out.
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Id fuck the shit out of pinky. She is a bad bitch!
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This is my favorite porn video
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she is katie cummings
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THis makes me so wet
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sexy with the strap-on oh my baby

Wcheqfje 2012-06-02 오전 03:54

Do you like it here? Underwear Models
I have seen this so many times now(: This video never gets old.
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That plaque reads sevmore butts its a porn award
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She's hot! Who taped this? One of the kids? Better off taping it from the dresser.
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Damn this girl is sexy
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shazia sahari is hot
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She looks like Andy Samberg from saturday night live,at least from the side view...
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sasha has the tightest butt!
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mmmmmmmm i wanna sllurp up all those juices!
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there perfect tits! i love it
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I came so hard to this.

Nqcvqlzh 2012-06-02 오전 03:54

Could I have a statement, please? Puffy Young Pedo
Damn i wouldnt think twice before i fucked her all over the place.
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Nice cum
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Shut the fuckkk up!! lol
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This Bitch Has a SEXY ASS PUSSY
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belli.... di dove siete?
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nice little whore
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OG Mudbone is a fucking legend
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i love this woman!!!! she's beautiful!
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Wow, absolutely perfect
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Damn nice love myself some asian porn any girls up for adding me??

Suerjtci 2012-06-02 오전 04:03

A few months Puffy Young Pedo
This was lame. I would have had her screaming and cumming like crazy!!
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that got me SOO wet
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She shoulda jerked the cum while he came on her face. I would have
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she looks just like my sister
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i wanna se her face cummed...
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she reminds me of a young paulo abdule
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Wish I was there!!!
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this chick can interrupt my game of solitaire any day!!!
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~hiih . Diese H

Fbxraabs 2012-06-02 오전 04:04

I'm a housewife Underwear Models
i came watchin this video
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nice tits and ass
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Thats a really great video! Nice action in it and a fuckin hot girl. Like it very much
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u can fuck me anytime jay
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this is a fantasy of mine, that would be so fucking hot
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Good blow job lessons!
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How the fuck do you miss from inches away?
Tiny Models
Always been one of my favorite videos

Haaskkcn 2012-06-02 오전 04:48

I'd like to cancel this standing order xnostars
The best Of the Best
great close ups ! I want to lick both of those delicious pussys. Great job ORGASMS
He's Torbe, and she isn't his wife! funy porn XD
Mmmmmmmmm very sexy!!!
shrimp dick!! lol
Most Of The Cumshots In This Video Are Done By Peter North

Yyxxqctr 2012-06-02 오전 04:52

A few months realitykings
He got a phatt ass!
Criss Strokes
That's one lucky guy..
That ass looked nice when he hit it doggy
omg stuff me please
glad she didnt fuck the fat one with the bleach hair.

Oqbtzojc 2012-06-02 오전 04:59

Could you tell me my balance, please? Board Cgiworld Pedo
naomi and gianna? holy shit!!
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oh damn i loved this video
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she's your ex cuz you can't stay hard man
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everything great but wack cumshot
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Alnjwytp 2012-06-02 오전 04:59

I'll put him on Flat Chest Tgp Toplist
oph my god im soooo wet. I want his cock stuffed into me
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I love this sexy women, cute!!!
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Does anyone know the name of the movie?
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Veronika Raquel I think
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By far the most beautiful porn-star in the business!!!
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This is a fine looking chick.
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hot hot hot hot hot hot and HOT!!!
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her tits are fuckin amazin
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Pierre Woodman rules! the girl is awesome!
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poor little girl, she is so thin, any sushi to give it to her?
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8344 아류님의 일본진출 +2 아류사랑 2007-10-01 830
8343 내 생의 마지막 여행 2편 강민 2007-10-01 746
8342 종로에 다모 출현? +1 다모러버 2007-10-02 1224
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