
게이토끼 2007-10-15 00:08:24
+437 12030
“동성애 비판시 처벌” 입법 예고 논란

22일까지 법안 의견 받아... 팩스보내기, 반대서명 본격적 [2007-10-10 07:00]

동성애(성적지향)를 포함한 차별금지법안이 지난 2일 법무부에 의해 입법 예고된 가운데 이를 저지하기 위한 반대서명운동과 ‘반대의견 팩스보내기운동’이 기독인 교수를 중심으로 전개되는 등 동성애를 법적으로 허용하는 문제를 두고 크게 논란이 일고 있다.

이 차별금지법안은 합리적 이유 없이 가해지는 성적지향, 성별, 장애, 병력, 나이, 인종 등 20여 가지 항목에 대한 차별이 전면 금지되는 것으로써, 항목 중 성적지향은 동성애를 의미한다. 법무부는 동성애가 포함된 차별금지법안과 관련, 오는 22일까지 법안에 대한 의견을 받고 있다. 이에 팩스보내기운동이 매우 시급하게 전개되고 있으며 2주가 채 남지 않은 시간을 최대한 활용하기 위해 동성애 차별금지법안 반대서명도 16일까지 접수받고 있다.

현재 이 운동을 주도적으로 전개하고 있는 인물은 부산대학교 물리학과 길원평 교수로 그는 평소 동성애 차별금지법안에 대한 위험성을 꾸준히 알려 왔다. 그는 현재 주변 지인들에게 이메일을 통해 캠페인 동참을 요청하고 있으며, 이와 함께 배아복제반대모임 홈페이지(www.anticlone.kr)를 통해 반대서명을 받고 있다.

그는 이메일을 통해 “번거롭겠지만 5분만 시간을 내서 보내길 부탁한다. 팩스가 없다면 이메일을 통해 대신 보내드리겠다”며 “법이 만들어진 후에 후회를 하지 말고 반대에 최선을 다하자”고 참여를 간절히 요청하고 있다.

길 교수는 동성애 차별금지법안의 문제점에 대해 “동성애를 정상이라고 법적으로 인정하고, 그러한 인식을 강제력을 갖고 강요하는 것”이라며 “만약 동성애 차별금지법안이 통과되고 나면, 동성애를 비윤리적이라고 공개적인 장소에서 말하면 처벌을 받게 된다”고 경고했다.

그는 “예를 들어 모든 중고등학교에서 동성애를 정상이라고 가르쳐야 하며, 동성애로 물의를 일으킨 학생에게 징계를 할 수 없을 뿐 아니라, 동성애를 하지 않도록 상담하거나 권고조차 할 수 없다”며 “만약 그런 상담이나 징계를 하면 법에 의해서 처벌 받는다”고 위급함을 알렸다.

또 길 교수는 “TV와 같은 매스컴은 동성애의 문제점을 지적할 수 없으며, 동성애를 우호적으로 표현하는 영화, 동성애자들의 성적행위를 노골적으로 묘사하는 비디오 등이 많아질 가능성이 높다”며 “법에 의해서 동성애가 보호받고, 교육에서 동성애를 정상이라고 가르치고, 문화는 동성애를 하도록 유혹할 때, 동성애가 이 사회에 확산되는 것을 막을 길이 없다”고 이를 적극 막아야 함을 강조했다.

특히 그는 동성애 옹호자들에 대해서도 “동성애자들을 손가락질하고 괴롭히는 것은 반대한다”며 “하지만 건전한 대다수의 시민을 위해서 어느 정도의 사회적 보호막은 필요하다고 본다”고 강조했다.

길 교수는 “교육을 통해서 동성애가 비윤리적이라고 가르치는 것을 허용해야 하며 동성애로 물의를 일으킨 학생을 개인적으로 불러서 앞으로 하지 않도록 상담하고 권고할 수 있어야 한다”며 “또 전혀 반성의 기미가 없이 반복적으로 노골적으로 할 때는 어느 정도의 징계를 가할 수 있어야 하지만 이번 법안은 동성애를 정상으로 대할 것을 요구하고 있다”고 지적했다.

특히 동성애 옹호자들이 ‘동성애는 선천적으로 타고난 것’이라고 주장하는 데 대해서도 “일부 학자들이 동성애가 유전적, 생물학적인 요인에 의한 것이라고 주장하며 학술논문을 쓰고 있지만, 그것을 입증할 확실한 증거는 아직 없다”며 “만약 동성애를 유발할 유전적, 생물학적 경향이 있다 하더라도 사람은 동물과 달리 본능이나 경향을 충분히 억제할 수 있는 의지와 절제력을 갖고 있다”고 밝혔다. 길 교수는 “동성애가 환경에 의해 형성됐다고 보는 견해는 동성애에 대한 윤리도덕적 문제의식을 약화시킨다”고 덧붙였다.


본 기사에 이어 댓글란도 알흠답군요.

Fwupfjzw 2012-06-01 오전 09:51

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omg this is so boring.
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id love for her to sit on my face, lick that ass and pussy all day long
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Nice beef curtains too.
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Taylor Rain, please marry me

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makes my pussy so wet want to taste ladies
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I wont to fuck one of them

Cmmxbtxo 2012-06-01 오전 09:54

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Pfpovuwb 2012-06-01 오전 10:03

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yeah, she's just pissin
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This girl is the best...but the guys are fucking morons.
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This video is the best!
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this dude can jack off while hes fuckin... dam
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i want to be busted with her lol !
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I liked this... made me laugh but why didn't she want her pussy sucked??

Mzweaqvw 2012-06-01 오전 10:04

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Does she have more vids?
Now *this* is damn good stuff - had to watch it a couple of times!
lmao, he's such a BAD actor, but he's my hero...
love the creampie
wow its really so sexy wao amazing i want to fuck her rite now........
This would have been better if she'd STFU and he wasn't a flabby doughboy.

Hnxbvwma 2012-06-01 오전 10:04

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look at my new Sunny videos in a few days...
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She is so cute and them big tit's i would like to see more of there video.
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,hihi Very great Thank you
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jajaja wakala
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yea, hippie, but he is also analing her pretty hard
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She is perfection.

Xcdzcave 2012-06-01 오전 11:00

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whaaat?! i thought that dude was never gna come up for air.
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She's a fantastic combination of Vida Guerra and Kim Kardashian - super sexy!
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I am so in lust with Voodoo. I want a man just like that.
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fuuuuuck what a beautiful woman!

Gdzivzdm 2012-06-01 오전 11:00

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nice video , Guy has nice dice to fuck . I want to fuck that lady
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Arguably my favorite video out there, amazing.
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I really love these two. She has such a great body and she really backs it up nice.
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Did that chick have hair in her armpits?????
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Great looking tits. But, what does she see in this guy? The audio is lousy but the tits are wonderful.
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whats her name..??
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Cheesy, just let the girls play with each other!
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pretty face, great tits, nice ass, huge black cock... doesn't get any better than this.
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Your girl needs to shave her pussy.

Gvgtaoon 2012-06-01 오전 11:04

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I dont care what anyone says Ray J is fine and has a big dick. I would definately fuck him.
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nurse got owned at beginning
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she has such dikish hair i cant stand it but for the most part it was ok
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love how she dives back on it and can't satisfy herself..........hot!
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that was awesome!
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he fucked the girl good
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damn i would fuck her
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Man the harpoons.

Xottvwvp 2012-06-01 오전 11:04

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wish I could find parties like this
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i can take more in my ass!!!
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So sweet how they're holding hands while he drills both their throats, side by side.
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FUCK, yo no le hubiera dado leche, le daria una maldita malteada

Ntawsjlo 2012-06-01 오전 11:14

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so dam fake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Yes what's the film's name? The best orgy ever!
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don't take away the filled out asian bitch!!! That would've been a great desert after sasha
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much better than Jet Li or Jackie Chan movies!!!hehehe!!!
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Belladonna and Rocco... cool.
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She has the most amazing ass!!
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someone know the name her ?
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that must hurt a lot.

Mozpahnp 2012-06-01 오후 12:09

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She plays really good!
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fuckin awesome
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i love this video xx
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who are these girls you know their names ?
einfach geil

Qunojzyi 2012-06-01 오후 12:12

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finally!! something in my language..
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they need more lube at that one point. ow.
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love his outfit
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no fuckin wayz...she's got a lil girl's voice,a spectacular butt,and two scrumptuous titties...wat else does a teenager like me want...???
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Jjdvsunu 2012-06-01 오후 12:14

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amazing pussy and asshole. this chick can ride a fucking cock.
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`hehe Thank you for sharing it
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Wow.. This is really an awesome vid! This is what good sex is like! *I want this*
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i like it :P
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Dont think this was a first but i still like this vid.
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I LOVEEEE THIS BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Why in the tits name you've called her emo?
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name of the tall brunette...? the one who started off in the ornage shirt
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this is so damn funny

Ompwpbfz 2012-06-01 오후 12:22

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Cute face to cumm all over.
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so angels do exist...
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she's not even white
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Quite the outfits!
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asking the common question, Name please?
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turn the volume up next time.
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and he was pretty fucking hot. GEEZ.
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if this was me i woulda nutted everywhere literally....
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wish one day i get a milf on me like that
oh Mardi Gras, good times. Drunk girls everywhere. She seems extra out of it though.

Omixpqnl 2012-06-01 오후 12:24

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whats this girls name?
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god damn. love this one.
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its a shame she dont take it up the ass
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I arely touched myself and came because this was just.....uhhgg
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So fuckin fast! HOT!
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Good spelling!
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love wat she werin aneone know where i ca get dat frm for my girl friend
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I want that dick in me
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this is pretty sick...
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Oh to be in his place!

Tepkbesz 2012-06-01 오후 13:01

Get a job dudetube
I wish I was her, being fucked by all them men in all three of my holes.
wish my sister was as hot as tht
almost cummed watching them
i never done this ever i wish im the girl!
mindy vega is SOOO fucking hot
it is her this is before she had a nose job!

Ijcdzxzq 2012-06-01 오후 13:18

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who is the first girl?
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I want to eat it out of her asshole.
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This got real for a minute.....she wore his ass out!!!!!
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damn, i love when a chick starts creamin up on my cock
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Shitty setting but that has to be one of the hottest woman(not to mention ass) that I have ever seen!
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ill take the brunette
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same here, I'd love to be in on that
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i wish Eurocock would shut up - you're a dick on legs... thats it
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Perfect girl love it

Uqyrjoxd 2012-06-01 오후 13:30

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i love this babe whats her name ? i want more videos of her
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:Ha Very great Thank you
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i got diamonds yall in my n my grill and in ma jaw. lol
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best japaneze porn ive ever seen, lol
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why you cant find a real cock??
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Her name is Veronique Vega
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The best video on here, no doubt.
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Who he thinks he's fucking?His mom
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she would have won if she did this on stage!
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lacy is abad bitch and pinky got the ass game in a choke hold

Gatajufp 2012-06-01 오후 13:32

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oh my !
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she has cute features
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ahaah pretty good
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hmm so hot. any girls want to be filled up with my huge load? message me
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she's hot as fuck
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I want her and Ashlynn for my birthday!
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she has a perfect ass
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yes shes crazy for cooks
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there is shit on the wall! LOL
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.LOL German with an American accent... xD

Piylxfph 2012-06-01 오후 14:11

I've got a full-time job mcstories
the guy is such a dick
she has a fuckable body !
i couldent find that site?
ni main sendiri jea ,
Awesome chick and he gave her a good load at the end
fiesta party? redundant?

Ajrrfcdh 2012-06-01 오후 14:15

A few months mcstories
ohhh, i wanna eat some pussy right now..
He can eat me and fuck me anyday nice dick !
nice threesome! very hot
she knows wat she is doing
for a bbw.. she aint bad at riding haha
homem mais gostoso!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!e que bela foda!quem me dera que fosse eu....como mexe aquele cu...

Atzdnlnw 2012-06-01 오후 14:26

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she aint that bad for this man hes a right mong he must pay them lodzzzzzz
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finally!! something in my language..
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I wouldn't mind fucking the principal he's pretty hot!
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she is fucking adorable
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Cheesy concept!!!
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Damn woman should aspire to work like that!
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omg that has got to be fake
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That is one of the hottest videos iv ever seen ! ! !
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What a delicious looking bum! Yummy
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i want like that pussy..im a full of virgen i never ha sex..can u help me??

Oedsajmp 2012-06-01 오후 14:26

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their french dumbass!
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Her name is Penny Flame.
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what is the name of the blonde?
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Wow! These women are sexy and beautiful! Great vid!
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Q dura se me ha puesto..
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I want this doll! ^^
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It got me soaked ha I love it.
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oh i like this one!!
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amazing and to hotie!!!!!!
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i want her tits !

Tbvqtcjh 2012-06-01 오후 14:29

Could I order a new chequebook, please? Pthc Bbs Message Board
lawd, i want her...the way she grips that dick is just awesum
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fucking sweet, but take the fishnet off
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belladona and rocco siffredi - great stuff
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Holy Fuck I really want to fuck her I need to find a woman exactly like her jeez
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love it and what a cock lol
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No orgasm; no good.
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wow i want that myself.....he is huge...
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she is from germany..
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What's up with this guy who makes sounds when there eating pussy?
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those girls are hot as hell but tht guys white arse puts you off yer wank

Myxmrbfg 2012-06-01 오후 14:39

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Thank youu Tawny for teaching me everything i need to know about sucking cock (:
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naomi and gianna? holy shit!!
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what is the name of this movie
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I'd like to fuck the nurse!
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I would love that to be done to me
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it is kinda weird. cytherea does look like natalie portman
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watch this video all the time love it
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what a dirty old whore... i'd fuck
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the enthusiasm she has for them to use every one of her holes is just amazing.
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`lol Very great Thank you

Xjyovbrd 2012-06-01 오후 14:40

I work with computers Pthc Bbs Message Board
parfait c est bon
Max Bbs Touzokudan 12449
beat that booty up! lol
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Laura lion haha ill bet she wont forget this anytime soon :|
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This girl is made for sucking...damn!
Nn Girl Bbs
oldwomen also need sex
Free Pthc Bbs
damn this vids is still hot...makes me jerk off every time i see it,
Dark Little Bbs
She is beautiful! Post more of her, she's the hottest girl on this site!
Lola Bbs Magazine
God what a beautiful cock! Totally!!!
Ovens Bbs
God bless my big American cock.
Smuggler Bbs
the beaver is super yummy

Huqvxhdc 2012-06-01 오후 15:32

Remove card Vlad Model Bbs
Freedom Bbs Ls
she almost couldn't take it
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one of the best vids on this site
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I wouldn't mind doing that kind of homework
Lol Post Bbs Lol Bbs
I love Sophie, she makes me so horny
Ptsc Bbs Links
i no wat im doing later lol
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fuccin sexy outfits i like!!!
Girl Child Bbs
would love to fuck that... would wreck it!!
Bbs List Young
she is cute and sexy... love to fuck her.
Sven Bbs
Her ass is fuckin' insane!

Rmrjzhyh 2012-06-01 오후 15:35

Could I have a statement, please? Bbs Girls
I love her! Hot shit.
Lolitia Bbs
hey i wanna try this.
Great Lo Bbs
Fuck that guys dick looks good!
Bbs Lolitas Pics
we want to see charlie take it up her tight littlt bumhole : please !
Great Lolitas Bbs
Pussies aren't the same after this guy gets done with them.
Anon Bbs Stories
absofuckinlutely greatness!
Nn Bbs
you are all a bunch of shit talking pervs
Lo Bbs
would love to shag that
Lolita Porn Bbs
This could possibly be the best video of all time.
Dark Lolita Bbs
Hotter than a vindaloo x x

Mgneuxil 2012-06-01 오후 15:36

Insufficient funds Vlad Model Bbs
I fucking love sasha grey i would fuck her so hard!!!
Freedom Bbs Ls
This is an awesome vid!
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Hailey Young and Felix Vicious according to that posting
Kasumi Fan Bbs
fuck! that was fantastic
Lol Post Bbs Lol Bbs
I want to be examined by her xx
Ptsc Bbs Links
I got so wet, I would like to be fucked in these special positions
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She's so cute!! Does anyone know the Blond girl's name?
Girl Child Bbs
,haha the best ever!
Bbs List Young
that is brain pumper..(who said he looks likel lloyd banks)... he is so fine
Sven Bbs
worth seeing.but should be of transexuals

Bhwxlyrj 2012-06-01 오후 15:42

Sorry, you must have the wrong number watchhervideo
i wanna take her place
I love threesomes with the right girl licking me and taking the guys dick from her pussy to my mouth.
that aint his wife he deffly paid to fucked her
She is peruvian!... I want to go there! (to Peru)
My cock is raw from jacking to you!
what a waste, big beautiful breasts and you show her fat butt

Qkycsqfq 2012-06-01 오후 15:54

Could you tell me the number for ? submityourflix
taylor rain, and i don't know who the blonde is.....anyone?
Looks like they had a fun night. ;)
bellarotica, you're awesome. i'd fuck u anytime, baby.
Quasarman is the funniest cameraman in the biz
girl getting freaky and dirty =)
That appetite have, dirty

Zrvtipxy 2012-06-01 오후 16:37

Have you read any good books lately? Sexy Lolitas Bbs
He doesn't evem cum out over her....
Max Bbs
Why don't he STFU
Bbs Lolita Pics
IDK it's almost like looking at a hot chick with a strap on...but it's the real thing......................um yeah.
Nasty Little Preteens Bbs
favorite video of all time, better quality on spanwire though. just search busty babe fucked and facialized
Great Lolita Freedom Bbs
damn she is hot as hell! if i was her friend i would probably be banging her day and night.
Little Bbs
i love this movie, too bad the beginning aint here
Nude Preteen Bbs
finally a hot black chick i hate it when i see ugly ones fuck
Bbs Rm
let me fuck her in her pussy really good
Elweb Bbs
thats one uglu pussy
Lolitas Art Bbs Pics
shes so hot, fuck!

Hfxbemda 2012-06-01 오후 16:38

Have you got a current driving licence? Boy Bbs
omg so hot. I want them both
Sandra Bbs
Whats this old hoes name? OMG so hot
Yoda Bbs
she is sooo fuckin hot! I hate her fake tits though. They look nasty.
Ls Girls Bbs
I would let him fuck me however he wanted
Best Lol Bbs
She can't suck dick to save her life...and for the white guys using the word nigga, fuck you.
Max4teen Bbs
You wanna cry?
Loli Bbs Board
she got the lips for a bj
Ovens Place Bbs
what a boring fuck!! girl is hot though, she deserves a bigger cock.
Young Bbs Post
I wan that teacher too.
Early Girls Bbs
lol, i bet that white dude felt inadequit, lol

Zjmbfhvg 2012-06-01 오후 16:41

I read a lot Boy Bbs
her ass looks so good getting fucked
Sandra Bbs
would love to fuck her tight ass
Yoda Bbs
love your pussy
Ls Girls Bbs
oh! i love that girl!!
Best Lol Bbs
-ho it is Very good
Max4teen Bbs
oh I want to sex with her
Loli Bbs Board
Tory Lane is the ultimate cock loving deep throat ass fucking queen.
Ovens Place Bbs
WoooooW o,.O awesome
Young Bbs Post
how is this most viewed? lol
Early Girls Bbs
Amazing and hot!!!

Wtejxfdx 2012-06-01 오후 16:41

Do you need a work permit? Sexy Lolitas Bbs
Dam that shit was HAWTTTTT!!!! GOD DAMM
Max Bbs
I wish I could find someone to give my ass a thumping like that
Bbs Lolita Pics
does anyone notice the tramp stamp on the guy? fuckin homo
Nasty Little Preteens Bbs
I hate clips, lol, gorgeous girl, crap production.
Great Lolita Freedom Bbs
did this once to a girl and makes me so wet remembering
Little Bbs
That girl is super hot!
Bbs Rm
God damn I like those big titties.
Nude Preteen Bbs
I blew a big load watching this one. Whats the name of the film?
Elweb Bbs
its biggger than the lightskin guys tho lol
Lolitas Art Bbs Pics
Where do i find a woman like this who enjoys it as she does! :)

Lngtrdbu 2012-06-01 오후 16:50

I'd like to withdraw $100, please Boy Bbs
She is Katja Kassin.She has a beautiful big butt
Sandra Bbs
does anyone know her name??
Yoda Bbs
Shame The Whole Scene Aint Here Tho But Real Nice She Is Quality
Ls Girls Bbs
He's so ugly he needs a mask
Best Lol Bbs
oh wow, she has a gorgeous ass...
Max4teen Bbs
her tits are amazing!
Ovens Place Bbs
I have the weirdest boner right now o_O
Loli Bbs Board
id wish someone fuck me like that!!
Young Bbs Post
anche io vorrei farmi scopare
Early Girls Bbs
THAT'S JUST WRONG anonymous.

Zfwftood 2012-06-01 오후 16:50

I'd like to cancel this standing order Sexy Lolitas Bbs
wow a lot of juice
Max Bbs
super fine slut
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aaaaah tasty girls..nam nam
Nasty Little Preteens Bbs
this girl is ridiculous
Great Lolita Freedom Bbs
de unde e?/:)
Little Bbs
nice quickie ! Very deeeep
Bbs Rm
she is a hot girl
Nude Preteen Bbs
Hey look, big fake strap on dicks!
Elweb Bbs
The back of my neck tingled when she talked about how she likes to get that precum pumpin
Lolitas Art Bbs Pics
Man those two really know how to kiss and connect. Sexy !

Thtawtru 2012-06-01 오후 17:02

Which year are you in? karupsha
wtf happened to his dick?
Omg I Lovee Her Moan
ima pounded yuh next
i wanna join his cock is soo big
I would pay large sums of money to fuck Rachel Starr.
AAAAAAAAHHHH!!! its uncesored!

Dvgmasvg 2012-06-01 오후 17:06

I'd like to open a business account karupsha
porn needs more kissing
|hehe . sacr

Ucamywxt 2012-06-01 오후 17:18

Gloomy tales wifelover
wish i could do this
LMFAO her voice cracks me up hahahaha I'm sorry... I just PFFFFTTTTTT
Gorgeous girls in a great vid!!!
nice tits
julia you are way to fucking hot
turn down the saturation on your display, maybe

Pzzlhded 2012-06-01 오후 17:42

I came here to work Asian Bbs Illegal Bbs
love those titties
Sven's Place Bbs
omg i cummed like a bitch
Max Touzokudan Bbs
Those guys are SOOOOOOO hot who are THEY
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This could possibly be the best video of all time.
Lolicon Bbs
i love those zebra shoes
Fozya Bbs
that pussy looks like silly putty. no wonder he fucks her ass, pussy is gone!
Young Love Bbs
looking good.. (;
Zeps Guide Bbs Board
fuck yeah!!! that bitch has issues!!! hqhahahahaha!
Mixman Bbs
looks like a vegas prostitute....probably the best lay he'd ever had...hence the noises
Max Bbs Livedoor Sports
shes so fuckin hot..ill give her my azn cock anyday

Crtdglvn 2012-06-01 오후 17:43

I'm retired Top Young Bbs
she could have went a little deeper with the blowjob
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i want to be student !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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perfect body, ugly face
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Did Porn just save a life?
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Why did you still my videos and post them as your?
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what a body! mmm yummy
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that is so hot. I love fucking with panties on
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that dude is a turd.
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These fellas are in good shape!! lol, Creepy bellies!
Lolitia Boy Bbs
found it Caroline Pierce..

Qypzdmtx 2012-06-01 오후 17:45

Nice to meet you Top Young Bbs
Lsmagazine Bbs
Love Simony's ass! She always does good anal!
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LOL I love football-soccer
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I wantto be fuckjed
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thts some good dick . FUCK Where Can I Get Some Like tht
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Fucking hot, made a account just so i could fave this
Jailbait Bbs
,Ha Thank you for sharing it
Preteen Bbs List
Today first again! :)
Bbs Reloaded
big BIG BIG Tits !!!
Lolitia Boy Bbs
she has another vid?!

Xzxjciny 2012-06-01 오후 17:46

What's the exchange rate for euros? Asian Bbs Illegal Bbs
yes they sure used to be
Sven's Place Bbs
-hey it is Very good
Max Touzokudan Bbs
he is soo unattractive in so many ways
Max Bbs Touzokudan Livedoor
One of the dirtiest whore in the industry...
Lolicon Bbs
can she ride my cock???ladies hit me up!!!!
Fozya Bbs
Hot damn that pussy looks great,grabbin onto his cock
Zeps Guide Bbs Board
she has a tight pussy
Young Love Bbs
sex after a hard days work isn't all she like,she likes to get her ass eaten out alot too lmao
Mixman Bbs
ho ly shit her tits are huge i wanna be that lucky fucker
Max Bbs Livedoor Sports
Joker. You should probably read your posts before you hit submit comment .

Jpfughlg 2012-06-01 오후 17:54

Could you give me some smaller notes? Top Young Bbs
christ!!! shes intense...
Lsmagazine Bbs
God, she went beserk with that cock.
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Ooo!! OO !! uhh uhh uhhh oo uhhh uhhh FAKE. Please do not support week unimaginative porn ladys!
Llantas Bbs
yes you are!
Preteen Porn Girls Bbs

Nlvwsoqs 2012-06-01 오후 18:46

I'm a partner in Bbs Tgp
this was fucken good, but i still dont fac it... i'm too much on asian, latinas, black etc
Child Models Bbs
I wish all girls loved cock as much as she does...
Vombat Bbs
wow. i had the biggest boner watchin this vid
Little Girls Bbs
I do as well... but I'm not sure these were real.
Top Bbs
less minipenis and more hot chicks like her. and why he did't fuck her?
Bbs Nn Preteenz
Literally one of the best vids of the use of panties as a sexual prop or toy, just awesome....
Preteen Lolitas Bbs
Based on the bookshelves, she must be a Horny Law Student, damn she's so sexy
Lolidus Bbs
not even a good fuck
Kh Bbs
Iwouldnt know if I know I wouldnt add the video,ATMmachine u summarized all the videos I think:)
Free Lolitas Bbs
Damn! Grandpa can shoot a load. Good onya grandpa!

Sdttxcvm 2012-06-01 오후 18:46

Pleased to meet you Ls Stars Bbs
helluva lil' cockswallower !!!
Ranchi Bbs Gateway
wish i has a sweet ass to fuck
Sudteen Bbs
love her sexy pink stocking and the stuff she had on arms
Voodoo Bbs
hehe the beginning is so funny
Loli Guest Book Bbs Imageboard
brrr che porche
Child Model Bbs
love it and what a cock lol
Great Bbs
The gal on the right looks like the cheerleader off the tv show Heroes, good gals suck on that hose!
Zeps Bbs Guide
shoot out to WEST COAST TITS LOL nice vid
Peachy Bbs
She plays really good!
Combat Bbs
I always like vintage stuff!! excites me lol

Tybvzupi 2012-06-01 오후 18:50

I'd like to pay this cheque in, please Ls Stars Bbs
i just wish that was me!
Ranchi Bbs Gateway
i have your facebook
Sudteen Bbs
this vid is pointless
Voodoo Bbs
chubby?? are you retarded??? her is fucking hot!!! I would love to fuck her all day long!!
Loli Guest Book Bbs Imageboard
I think every guy wishes he could do this, myself included. I mean, I'm good, but not great like this.
Child Model Bbs
omg...what a minimal dick...
Zeps Bbs Guide
yeah, a little fuck princess we got.lol
Great Bbs
Could her hair be any greasier. Geez take a bath.
Peachy Bbs
nice vid...chick had small tits
Combat Bbs
hihi Awesome, Thank you

Qvfjeeou 2012-06-01 오후 18:58

I'm on work experience Bbs Tgp
haha oohh yeah nice limpness
Child Models Bbs
has she lost weight?
Vombat Bbs
I love to fuck Asian Pussys they are so wet
Little Girls Bbs
so good who wants to do with me?
Top Bbs
Very hot! What a lucky man.
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Her Vajayjay looks yummy.
Preteen Lolitas Bbs
iLOVE flick shagwell!
Lolidus Bbs
Does anyone know of any other vids of her?
Kh Bbs
wtf this is so fake OMG xD hilarious acting by the woman
Free Lolitas Bbs
shes so hot. i love it.
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8344 아류님의 일본진출 +2 아류사랑 2007-10-01 830
8343 내 생의 마지막 여행 2편 강민 2007-10-01 746
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