
게이토끼 2007-10-15 00:08:24
+437 12030
“동성애 비판시 처벌” 입법 예고 논란

22일까지 법안 의견 받아... 팩스보내기, 반대서명 본격적 [2007-10-10 07:00]

동성애(성적지향)를 포함한 차별금지법안이 지난 2일 법무부에 의해 입법 예고된 가운데 이를 저지하기 위한 반대서명운동과 ‘반대의견 팩스보내기운동’이 기독인 교수를 중심으로 전개되는 등 동성애를 법적으로 허용하는 문제를 두고 크게 논란이 일고 있다.

이 차별금지법안은 합리적 이유 없이 가해지는 성적지향, 성별, 장애, 병력, 나이, 인종 등 20여 가지 항목에 대한 차별이 전면 금지되는 것으로써, 항목 중 성적지향은 동성애를 의미한다. 법무부는 동성애가 포함된 차별금지법안과 관련, 오는 22일까지 법안에 대한 의견을 받고 있다. 이에 팩스보내기운동이 매우 시급하게 전개되고 있으며 2주가 채 남지 않은 시간을 최대한 활용하기 위해 동성애 차별금지법안 반대서명도 16일까지 접수받고 있다.

현재 이 운동을 주도적으로 전개하고 있는 인물은 부산대학교 물리학과 길원평 교수로 그는 평소 동성애 차별금지법안에 대한 위험성을 꾸준히 알려 왔다. 그는 현재 주변 지인들에게 이메일을 통해 캠페인 동참을 요청하고 있으며, 이와 함께 배아복제반대모임 홈페이지(www.anticlone.kr)를 통해 반대서명을 받고 있다.

그는 이메일을 통해 “번거롭겠지만 5분만 시간을 내서 보내길 부탁한다. 팩스가 없다면 이메일을 통해 대신 보내드리겠다”며 “법이 만들어진 후에 후회를 하지 말고 반대에 최선을 다하자”고 참여를 간절히 요청하고 있다.

길 교수는 동성애 차별금지법안의 문제점에 대해 “동성애를 정상이라고 법적으로 인정하고, 그러한 인식을 강제력을 갖고 강요하는 것”이라며 “만약 동성애 차별금지법안이 통과되고 나면, 동성애를 비윤리적이라고 공개적인 장소에서 말하면 처벌을 받게 된다”고 경고했다.

그는 “예를 들어 모든 중고등학교에서 동성애를 정상이라고 가르쳐야 하며, 동성애로 물의를 일으킨 학생에게 징계를 할 수 없을 뿐 아니라, 동성애를 하지 않도록 상담하거나 권고조차 할 수 없다”며 “만약 그런 상담이나 징계를 하면 법에 의해서 처벌 받는다”고 위급함을 알렸다.

또 길 교수는 “TV와 같은 매스컴은 동성애의 문제점을 지적할 수 없으며, 동성애를 우호적으로 표현하는 영화, 동성애자들의 성적행위를 노골적으로 묘사하는 비디오 등이 많아질 가능성이 높다”며 “법에 의해서 동성애가 보호받고, 교육에서 동성애를 정상이라고 가르치고, 문화는 동성애를 하도록 유혹할 때, 동성애가 이 사회에 확산되는 것을 막을 길이 없다”고 이를 적극 막아야 함을 강조했다.

특히 그는 동성애 옹호자들에 대해서도 “동성애자들을 손가락질하고 괴롭히는 것은 반대한다”며 “하지만 건전한 대다수의 시민을 위해서 어느 정도의 사회적 보호막은 필요하다고 본다”고 강조했다.

길 교수는 “교육을 통해서 동성애가 비윤리적이라고 가르치는 것을 허용해야 하며 동성애로 물의를 일으킨 학생을 개인적으로 불러서 앞으로 하지 않도록 상담하고 권고할 수 있어야 한다”며 “또 전혀 반성의 기미가 없이 반복적으로 노골적으로 할 때는 어느 정도의 징계를 가할 수 있어야 하지만 이번 법안은 동성애를 정상으로 대할 것을 요구하고 있다”고 지적했다.

특히 동성애 옹호자들이 ‘동성애는 선천적으로 타고난 것’이라고 주장하는 데 대해서도 “일부 학자들이 동성애가 유전적, 생물학적인 요인에 의한 것이라고 주장하며 학술논문을 쓰고 있지만, 그것을 입증할 확실한 증거는 아직 없다”며 “만약 동성애를 유발할 유전적, 생물학적 경향이 있다 하더라도 사람은 동물과 달리 본능이나 경향을 충분히 억제할 수 있는 의지와 절제력을 갖고 있다”고 밝혔다. 길 교수는 “동성애가 환경에 의해 형성됐다고 보는 견해는 동성애에 대한 윤리도덕적 문제의식을 약화시킨다”고 덧붙였다.


본 기사에 이어 댓글란도 알흠답군요.

Mpsjnbly 2012-05-31 오후 23:52

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i speak French but anyway its shit!

Dpldyccd 2012-06-01 오전 00:43

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Blrijbnj 2012-06-01 오전 00:46

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damn where'd all these other men come from?
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Omg she is soo frikken hot!!!

Uowgmnql 2012-06-01 오전 00:49

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Love that big ass dick yo!
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his dick is shaped like a falcata, search it on google
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this was before her boob job
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Really awesome vid. Some of these dudes whine like girls but it still gets me off in the end.
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She is looking rough in this video
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Since when did i Gordon Ramsey do porn?

Cccdmani 2012-06-01 오전 00:56

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Ezbwsysv 2012-06-01 오전 00:58

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If porn were music Lexi Belle would be fuckin' Mozart.
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she prob got a glass eye on that side anyway,so it wouldnt've affected her
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i could lick, suck and swallow all of her juices. MMMMM!!!!
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One of the hottest scenes ever!!!!
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Hott! Another for my favorites.

Yojjpqwh 2012-06-01 오전 01:00

I'd like to change some money cliphunter
this chic is freaking awesome and super hot mamasota.
i dont like this video
Tattoos: ' dirty doc' on tailbone; playboy bunny above pubes to the left; woman sitting above pubes on the right.
Taste great or Less Filling, that should be the question!
and people actually pay her to do that lol.
clips from russian institute. marc dorcel is the shts

Krzbojzv 2012-06-01 오전 01:13

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Damnnnn that guy is hottttttttttt
very nice but man your dick dont get hard?
So THAT'S why everyone wants to be a Doctor lol
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Ok so, dude sound slow as hell...Mase soundin' ass nigga!
her fat pussy got me instantly wet

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Gfrqpqnx 2012-06-01 오전 01:48

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,cool thats so nice, like it.
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Would love to try this ^_^
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This babe is SMOKING!

Qbizqoda 2012-06-01 오전 01:52

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Me and Tiger Woods shared her in France.
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Klqyaizo 2012-06-01 오전 02:01

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Jdtlqvck 2012-06-01 오전 02:01

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A minuteman
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this is my favorite video
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you know, they really are DEAD fucks - lifeless start to 'finish'

Vlolvcsg 2012-06-01 오전 02:20

I study here xnnx
wooow,super gefickt,sch

Ztchlyzz 2012-06-01 오전 02:25

A law firm uporn
she is so fucking hot!!!
this s some hot stuff.....i want somebody to fuck me toooo
they are beautiful yes, but boring
buen trabajo pero si no tenian a un macho me ubieran hablado
this was good but fuck me the size of them anal beads lol damn
I want that dick in me

Pzyzeanp 2012-06-01 오전 02:37

Can I call you back? uporn
that lady ass look sooooooooooooo good
whats her name..??
#hoo . ich habe lust sie zu fingern!
i just love college
Fantastic Ass and hot hairy cunt.I wish I could have such a Girl as my Girlfriend for life.Kiss on you.
she`s got the lot,,perfect pussy and a fantastic pair of tits

Azwrggdg 2012-06-01 오전 02:54

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Ashli Orion at her best!!!
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Fake as a Hong Kong Rolex, but still fun to watch
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I arely touched myself and came because this was just.....uhhgg
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she rocks those tits

Rqjlefnu 2012-06-01 오전 02:58

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Amazing and hot!!!
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would love to be strapon fucked by sasha she is so hot

Gcbfupca 2012-06-01 오전 02:58

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omg his cock is so fuckin small!hahaha
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Having fatty in there naked was really distracting and disgusting.
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Leah Wylde is the blond.
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Yeah FearFactory !!!

Rqjlefnu 2012-06-01 오전 02:59

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its not kinzie kenner its alanah rae.
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yum. i want them both!
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So, so beautiful!
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omgg im not gay but i think i would sit on that dickk!
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way too beautiful to be pornstar
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i want to fuck her also . is she suck my cook?
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Amazing and hot!!!
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would love to be strapon fucked by sasha she is so hot

Kmbligmn 2012-06-01 오전 03:06

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boring and what the fuck is up with all the tattoos??? are they porn stars or NBA players???
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am pretty much sure that Ava Rose
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I think I would suck his dick just to taste her pussy juices. Fantastic!
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Nhzeonot 2012-06-01 오전 03:59

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GOD DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!, I'd pee in her BUTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Pretty girl, nice shot ^_^
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Massive cock, it's almost disgusting ;]
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the suspenders go INSIDE the knickers. so you can get them off.
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Well, I would've liked to have seen some penetration in this movie.
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DAMN!!!! That Was Gooooooood!!!!!!!
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she must be a good kisser and pussy licker...mmm
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i found this to be oddly amusing...
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mmm rape fantasy is my favorite
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my fav type of girl!

Ouukbzik 2012-06-01 오전 04:02

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The girl has a beautiful body!!
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she is unbelievably cute!
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it's Claudia Rossi, she's huge here in Europe, and she aint british
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Looks like Jerry Seinfeld.
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Non so se era la prima volta, comunque bello.
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Lisa Ann is fucking hot...
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WTF?! that was too freaky.....and long. (shudder)
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Courtney Cummz = yummy
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those were some ugly people !!!
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I want that doc(;

Uymvzthy 2012-06-01 오전 04:12

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she's so fucking hot! :P .....her name please??? ;) ........
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good shit
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Damn the blonde is a hottie! Too bad there was no cum shot.
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No anal? Bamboo likes it in the ass
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that guy's fucking hot. great actors
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wheres that grandma at
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one of the best vid I ever seen. she is great and so lovely!
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Damn She puts in WORK!
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She also goes by Shawna Lenee
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she pretty hot!! why cant i find the DTF bitches like this

Lpdeoxkz 2012-06-01 오전 05:05

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OMG! Wrap me up!
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such a great video.
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this video should be called
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What is the name of the film?
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yeah he is amazing. i miss him too and the vivthomas videos. too bad they removed the vids.
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guy kept making too much noise. woulda been wayy better without that moans. i agree hiyadave
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Fwickmye 2012-06-01 오전 05:06

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Actually it's just a fuckhole
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someone who swallows!!! unlike the chick at the end who almost pukes
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his name is mark ashley and is one of my fav male performers..he fux da bitchez
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thats one damned fine girl...
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Faye reagan is so damn hot!
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super le mec, super la baise, je reve qu

Sywxlcwd 2012-06-01 오전 05:09

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Why? Becuase he has a small dick+
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this girl is way too qualified for this particular unit
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Wtf. Seymoure Butts lol
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Awesome special effects and makeup!And BTW even if I wasn't a penis monster..... I would still fuck her.....LOL
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Perfect threesome!
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I cant stress enough how much i love this video!

Rsndleku 2012-06-01 오전 05:09

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he is hot as helll

Lotxzdmk 2012-06-01 오전 05:18

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Nice use of symbolism with the fishnet lingerie showing the negative constraints of modern Socialism.
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I can...i've been craving pussy.
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she's european, not asian and she's sexy as fuck.
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holy fuck!!! this video is fucking hot!
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look at her ass hole dat shit look nasty
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Damn her tong is bigger than a arm

Bwylkubu 2012-06-01 오전 05:19

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OMG wish that was my tight ass!!!!
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If I were behind her and she were holding my hands like that, I'd never want to pull out.
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Aexklzmh 2012-06-01 오전 06:16

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What is up with the tom jones.. ruined my boner..
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fill that pussy.
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This guy called Manuel Ferrara, is a French watch his other videos!
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is this a fun thing or are these bitches paid????
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Great amateur video!
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i wanna be a tennis racket when i die
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sexy ass and feet on this girl

Rgswndsm 2012-06-01 오전 06:18

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how can she....
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great fuck, gorgeous woman...
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lmao...that is not jamie fox
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gets me hard every time!

Aexklzmh 2012-06-01 오전 06:18

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Who is she?????
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What is up with the tom jones.. ruined my boner..
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alexis texas does everything right, what a sexy scene
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fill that pussy.
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This guy called Manuel Ferrara, is a French watch his other videos!
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is this a fun thing or are these bitches paid????
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Great amateur video!
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damn i wanna shove my dick in that ass
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i wanna be a tennis racket when i die
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sexy ass and feet on this girl

Htfcojim 2012-06-01 오전 06:18

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what the actual fuck
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i wish i had breasts like her :/
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she doesn

Ohosqgor 2012-06-01 오전 06:28

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Yep sure is pal
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Belladonna rocks, even if she is completely insane and will need to wear diapers in a few years.
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These babes are so fucking hot and sexy
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Tia Sweets... that ass is amazing.
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please, i need all my holes filled!
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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand boom goes the dynamite

Yhduchyb 2012-06-01 오전 06:29

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rebeca i want a fuck you
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damn thats a good fuck
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She could be a professional sword swallower.
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The best ass on a white girl period.
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one word : FANTASTIC!
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chick is Andi Anderson; she got a little game!!!
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Less Talky More Fucky
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,ho Very great Thank you

Muohlkmu 2012-06-01 오전 06:44

How do you do? pornhube
where do i get a chair like that
i wish they were tranny
Goddess is BAD!!!!!!!!
yah! ride on my dick!!!!!
The blonde is a cutie!
This is the best thing on here right now!

Hbylbcnk 2012-06-01 오전 06:58

What are the hours of work? pornhube
If only she did anal she would be the perfect woman
is that keri sable...? kinda looks like her.
he wears a tanga!?:D
pussy = creampie ass = mudpie

Weoumwtb 2012-06-01 오전 07:40

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I came so hard to this.
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what a whore, i f*** her like twice
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young people are perverted nowadays!
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the daughter is pretty hot too
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Tha guy looks like a gaylord with his pierced nipple and belly!
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one fiyah ass fuck.
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She looks like my ex girlfriend.
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Fucking Sexy! Hot anal fuck!

Malfgzca 2012-06-01 오전 08:14

Do you play any instruments? gigagalleries
at parts shes talking and her lips aren't moving
penny flame is her name
I woulda stuck it in her tight twat!
yeah! this is simply amazing
I'm gonna put it out there and say that this is the best cumpilation ever. EVER
sasha grey what a legend

Qzncajtm 2012-06-01 오전 08:18

We'll need to take up references madmamas
it`s a big dick !!
``yaehh Wow thanks.
this makes me wanna go an fuck a Brunette
Brenda I told you to share his cock with me - I wanna swallow his load too!!
mason storm all right!
toooooooo oooooollllllllllllddddddddddddd

Oezazlis 2012-06-01 오전 08:30

Where are you calling from? gigagalleries
why are the girls so hot, but the guys so ugly?
somebody knows the name of the girl and the name of the movie?
I wish some guy fucked my ass just like that
I love black bootie..,
Fkn Hell !!! This chiquita is great !!! Que rica estas mamacita... !!
who says penis? hah, and who sleeps with the lights on?

Imvjlekq 2012-06-01 오전 08:38

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who is it i never heard of them
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I dont like the fake boobs either but that was a pretty good swallow
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What's the point in posting ANOTHER piece of black bible?
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this video is fucking hot!!!!!!
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damn fuk her pussy hard
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amazing video i would fuck the hell out of that black chick i love playul girls
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Wow that would be awkward both standing there and and being the person in the floor
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This isnt even softcore

Otzlehxr 2012-06-01 오전 08:42

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she gets an A for sure!!
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`loool super Thanks
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she is still very hot..
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nice vid, so sexy, i am look to add girls to msn so look me up
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i love the vagina
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damn that looks like fun
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she could suck my cock any day :P
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perfect girl. id lick every inch of her body! and pump her full of my cum!
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i love a girl who can let loose like this
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how did he get her

Ttysnclm 2012-06-01 오전 08:52

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What a pretty dude
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so fucking weird spitting image of this girl i knew in highschool weirddd
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she has got the ropes now ...
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-ho Very great Thank you
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nice but too much damn talkin
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much love to goth and emo chicks
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shes too fuckin pretty for porn!
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that man sucks but woman got boobs
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i wish i could have her for a month!!!
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this guy so sounds like jack black lol and one lucky bastard shes fecking hot

Fpxkpgve 2012-06-01 오전 09:46

What company are you calling from? timtube
She's gorgeous! Love her sagging big its!!!
I cam when she cam if i had a nickel for eveery time that did not happen lol
what a nice pussy i want to lick that
It's too hot to get my ass filled like that but no thanks to swallow that
Fn amazing. Thank you for sharing.
Wow she is amazing

Bhaubryl 2012-06-01 오전 09:49

Could you tell me the dialing code for ? Lesbian Underage
My kind of video, girls, dildos, anal balls and cock!
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I would be happy if i could eat that ass
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The pretty Sasha always delivers well. A little aggressive here, but the end result is good.
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wow this girl is so hot
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no, she locked em outside of the car
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the one on the left in the beginning is Cytheria
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wow i want her to take care of me too^^
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where is the beard? she is so hot
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daddyslittlegrl I'd lick your ass

Iskuwkvs 2012-06-01 오전 09:50

I've just started at timtube
I want to insert my huge cock inside her sweet pussyy....
Nice group
I wish I had a cock, just so I could fuck her...
hahaha! big bods tiny dicks... LOL!
can anyone fuck me like that?
shes hot, but whats up with the hairy snatches on asians?
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