

지난 3월 26일부터 28일까지 인도네시아의  Surabaya란 도시에 개최될 예정이었던 ILGA( The International Lesbian and Gay Association-국제적인 성소수자 단체)의 아시아 컨퍼런스가 인도네시아의 이슬람 근본주의자들의 반대에 부딪혀 전면 중단되었습니다.


아래는 관련 기사 내용입니다.


A mob of Islamist extremistists convinced local police in Indonesia to raid the first ever conference for gays and lesbians in that country, shutting it down on it's first day. The International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA) event was being held in the city of Surabaya and was scheduled to end today.

The Gay City News reports:

"According to Indonesian newspapers, the mob was organized jointly by the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) –– which has a long history of attacking Indonesian LGBT people and was described by the Jakarta Post as a “radical” group of 'hardline' fundamentalists –– and the Indonesian Council of Ulema, an association of Muslim clerics."

ILGA’s co-secretary-general, Renato Sabbadini, described the violent invasion of the hotel where attendees were guests:

“'The rule of law was basically suspended during the occupation by the Islamists, and both the police and the hotel management gave in completely to the demands of the mob’s leaders, who threatened to call in reinforcements if their demands were not met,' he added. 'The hotel management even went so far as to give a complete list of the conference participants staying in the hotel to the mob.'"

“Later that evening, mob members conducted a floor-by-floor sweep of the hotel, going to the rooms of conference participants to make sure they had left.”

According to Asia News, "the members of ILGA had chosen Surayaba as the site of the event because of its atmosphere of tolerance."




이에 대한 관련 국제단체 쪽에서는 각국의 대사관과 EU와의 협의를 통해 이 문제를 해결하려고 노력중에 있습니다.



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