
게이토끼 2007-10-15 00:08:24
+437 12030
“동성애 비판시 처벌” 입법 예고 논란

22일까지 법안 의견 받아... 팩스보내기, 반대서명 본격적 [2007-10-10 07:00]

동성애(성적지향)를 포함한 차별금지법안이 지난 2일 법무부에 의해 입법 예고된 가운데 이를 저지하기 위한 반대서명운동과 ‘반대의견 팩스보내기운동’이 기독인 교수를 중심으로 전개되는 등 동성애를 법적으로 허용하는 문제를 두고 크게 논란이 일고 있다.

이 차별금지법안은 합리적 이유 없이 가해지는 성적지향, 성별, 장애, 병력, 나이, 인종 등 20여 가지 항목에 대한 차별이 전면 금지되는 것으로써, 항목 중 성적지향은 동성애를 의미한다. 법무부는 동성애가 포함된 차별금지법안과 관련, 오는 22일까지 법안에 대한 의견을 받고 있다. 이에 팩스보내기운동이 매우 시급하게 전개되고 있으며 2주가 채 남지 않은 시간을 최대한 활용하기 위해 동성애 차별금지법안 반대서명도 16일까지 접수받고 있다.

현재 이 운동을 주도적으로 전개하고 있는 인물은 부산대학교 물리학과 길원평 교수로 그는 평소 동성애 차별금지법안에 대한 위험성을 꾸준히 알려 왔다. 그는 현재 주변 지인들에게 이메일을 통해 캠페인 동참을 요청하고 있으며, 이와 함께 배아복제반대모임 홈페이지(www.anticlone.kr)를 통해 반대서명을 받고 있다.

그는 이메일을 통해 “번거롭겠지만 5분만 시간을 내서 보내길 부탁한다. 팩스가 없다면 이메일을 통해 대신 보내드리겠다”며 “법이 만들어진 후에 후회를 하지 말고 반대에 최선을 다하자”고 참여를 간절히 요청하고 있다.

길 교수는 동성애 차별금지법안의 문제점에 대해 “동성애를 정상이라고 법적으로 인정하고, 그러한 인식을 강제력을 갖고 강요하는 것”이라며 “만약 동성애 차별금지법안이 통과되고 나면, 동성애를 비윤리적이라고 공개적인 장소에서 말하면 처벌을 받게 된다”고 경고했다.

그는 “예를 들어 모든 중고등학교에서 동성애를 정상이라고 가르쳐야 하며, 동성애로 물의를 일으킨 학생에게 징계를 할 수 없을 뿐 아니라, 동성애를 하지 않도록 상담하거나 권고조차 할 수 없다”며 “만약 그런 상담이나 징계를 하면 법에 의해서 처벌 받는다”고 위급함을 알렸다.

또 길 교수는 “TV와 같은 매스컴은 동성애의 문제점을 지적할 수 없으며, 동성애를 우호적으로 표현하는 영화, 동성애자들의 성적행위를 노골적으로 묘사하는 비디오 등이 많아질 가능성이 높다”며 “법에 의해서 동성애가 보호받고, 교육에서 동성애를 정상이라고 가르치고, 문화는 동성애를 하도록 유혹할 때, 동성애가 이 사회에 확산되는 것을 막을 길이 없다”고 이를 적극 막아야 함을 강조했다.

특히 그는 동성애 옹호자들에 대해서도 “동성애자들을 손가락질하고 괴롭히는 것은 반대한다”며 “하지만 건전한 대다수의 시민을 위해서 어느 정도의 사회적 보호막은 필요하다고 본다”고 강조했다.

길 교수는 “교육을 통해서 동성애가 비윤리적이라고 가르치는 것을 허용해야 하며 동성애로 물의를 일으킨 학생을 개인적으로 불러서 앞으로 하지 않도록 상담하고 권고할 수 있어야 한다”며 “또 전혀 반성의 기미가 없이 반복적으로 노골적으로 할 때는 어느 정도의 징계를 가할 수 있어야 하지만 이번 법안은 동성애를 정상으로 대할 것을 요구하고 있다”고 지적했다.

특히 동성애 옹호자들이 ‘동성애는 선천적으로 타고난 것’이라고 주장하는 데 대해서도 “일부 학자들이 동성애가 유전적, 생물학적인 요인에 의한 것이라고 주장하며 학술논문을 쓰고 있지만, 그것을 입증할 확실한 증거는 아직 없다”며 “만약 동성애를 유발할 유전적, 생물학적 경향이 있다 하더라도 사람은 동물과 달리 본능이나 경향을 충분히 억제할 수 있는 의지와 절제력을 갖고 있다”고 밝혔다. 길 교수는 “동성애가 환경에 의해 형성됐다고 보는 견해는 동성애에 대한 윤리도덕적 문제의식을 약화시킨다”고 덧붙였다.


본 기사에 이어 댓글란도 알흠답군요.

Cgfwefld 2012-05-31 오후 15:37

I support Manchester United badgirlsblog
where's the rest?
Nice fake amateur...
She is definitely hardcore. She got fucking destroyed. Now that's porn.
that she has nice ass
Cytheria need more dick in her ass.
che voglia avete piccole

Ndmbotiy 2012-05-31 오후 16:20

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id love to be able to do it this regularly.. only managed it once!
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This is Hitomi Shirashi. Aika is much prettier and has better tits.
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She should let a white boy hit it!

Vjckhsuw 2012-05-31 오후 16:22

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Rynktjay 2012-05-31 오후 16:24

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Is that Zakk Wylde?

Ptsqlahc 2012-05-31 오후 16:32

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it's a french pornstar named Nomi !
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dis is one hell of a scene!! especially da wall shot. jeez!

Nnecrwcr 2012-05-31 오후 16:34

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I cumed my dick out when I saw her fucking sexy body!
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,cool Merci de l

Pmenovvk 2012-05-31 오후 17:27

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Mgxqwzud 2012-05-31 오후 17:36

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Sehr gut.
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oph my god im soooo wet. I want his cock stuffed into me

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Kouzcrtv 2012-05-31 오후 18:25

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Haha she smeared it around and made it worse.

Vrqgdsqd 2012-05-31 오후 18:27

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:Hi thank you very much for this
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boring,,,,with some ugly chick
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Fantastic! Thanks for sharing!
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whats the song in this video?

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She takes a right pounding at the end of that
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damn her pussy phat

Eydscukl 2012-05-31 오후 19:25

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Ruptmonc 2012-05-31 오후 19:26

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I love her laugh! CC is my new fav total cutie bubblebutt.

Wawyqgme 2012-05-31 오후 19:28

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,Hi Awesome, Thank you
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wish i was in the middle of it

Imhvycqo 2012-05-31 오후 19:29

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mami te cogeria tdos los dias .....ma

Ilcpnegn 2012-05-31 오후 19:37

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Bvstzqsb 2012-05-31 오후 19:37

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Damn, I wish I was her. :D
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That is the best bit of riding ever! Hot!

Dhgonwhv 2012-05-31 오후 20:28

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dude is ugly as fuck
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Gorgeous tits and a nice hairy bush developing. Beautiful.
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your girl will still go if she wants to, get another dick inside her

Njtbxkii 2012-05-31 오후 20:28

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who can pose the full version?
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The things I want to do to her. DAMN!
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i wish i was there i would ride him so hard
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Damn they had to stop cos somebody knocked on the door

Lxfmltir 2012-05-31 오후 20:31

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Please Please more of her !!!!!!
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that is pretty badass.want the full version though.
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Nice..I love teasers
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Lucky bastard
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Dpkaygkn 2012-05-31 오후 20:32

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I love watching two hard cocks fuck a tight pussy and ass
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I so want to be in a porn movie any takers
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yea who is the girl
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god damm i want to fuck lacey duvalle like that real shit make that pussy wet
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As good as cold beer! Love
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hawt ! shagged !
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The girl looks like HERMOINE from Harry Potter.... HOT SEX!
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what the name of the chick thats on the babe category button?
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This has to be the nerdiest guy in porn
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Wow she is good

Atmsxdtv 2012-05-31 오후 20:40

One moment, please Pthc Boys
they both have such sweet looking pussies !!
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hey hootis i think i have fucked your mom more than you have.
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,hehe Merci de l

Jyfnhnvy 2012-05-31 오후 20:41

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rip off, ends the second before he unloads all over her tits.
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Tvikzyeh 2012-05-31 오후 20:46

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I've seen nicer pussy than that...
cono she is hottttttt
voglio farmi scopare da tutte e tre!!!
lawd, i want her...the way she grips that dick is just awesum
Oh god I want that pussy riding my face and that cock in my cunt
this video make me wanking!!

Imlxceob 2012-05-31 오후 20:58

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the sound doesn't always agree with the happenings in the video, but this doesn't really matter
her pussy looks so tight,and he cock is so huge!
the guy constantly moaning into the microphone ruins an otherwise great video...
Why the video starts automatically?
mmm nice
very hot girl so beauty !!!!!!!!! i luv she !!!

Gtasbxnw 2012-05-31 오후 21:32

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wow now thats a huge dick

Eihyfvur 2012-05-31 오후 22:08

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Damn I wanna eat a fucking apple now...Apple of some sweet punani.:)
Nice vid,but he should have cum in her mouth
amazing. i would like to see her nipples though
-oh Very great Thank you
check out those calves...
I am in love with this woman

Vthzgkrx 2012-05-31 오후 22:11

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This chick is soo talented. I see a future for her in the porn business.
o no la va a matar...XD
she is arabic lebanon im arabic thats why i know listen and u know
Obsession knows how to lick a pussy... ...wow.
I love this video!
who is boss in this girl or boy

Lzkohuyi 2012-05-31 오후 22:23

Could you ask him to call me? porntube
hard cock over here!
and would you like it more if she had an asshole as huge as a bus wheel?
wtf, that guy is a twat, hitting her teeth with the plate! Prick
I love how she moans grrr.
no entregara el culo, pero bien igual..
This Video is only worth the first two Minutes.

Jpmlmvsd 2012-05-31 오후 22:35

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Vvlsfidx 2012-05-31 오후 22:35

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Ladies and Gentlemen meet Sindee boobtease dot blogspot dot com
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Beautiful fuckable face, I would fuck her face all time

Ppybkclc 2012-05-31 오후 22:38

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haha, she looks so loose. she probably can't feel his little cock
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i dont know about the whole cuming on the feet thing....
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nice one..!!!!!!!!!!!
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She needs to shut up!
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don't get shit in the cunt!
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this is a good porn video
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after THET everybody begin to speak English )))
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Real hot, but man you better be in very good shape with her.
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Not on the upholstery, Bitch!!

Sudpqgbj 2012-05-31 오후 22:38

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my god. look at that ass.
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this dood has a limp dick, Rachel needs me to take it to her.
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Hot little bitch getting fucked by a HOT, muscled, big dicked DADDY!

Extrrpav 2012-05-31 오후 22:47

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could have done without the music...
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wow, I MUST find more of this hot babe!
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Pinky fucks the shit out of Lacey. If you dont think this shit is hot then you gotta be gay.
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Oh yeah, she's very hot.
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bouaaah :/
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With or without Pills.
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Shes a serious cutie

Kllvbwru 2012-05-31 오후 22:47

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Absoluteley incredible - i would like to watch you fuck him though!!! (-;
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fucking hot, perfect tits!
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I'll bet she's a lot of fun. Super nipples and cunt lips.
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sex with her must be like throwin a hotdog down a hallway
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as good as it gets!
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Love it... hottest nun ever.
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she rides that cock propa
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i cant even get through the whole video, shes so hot
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three stars cause its way to short

Dtilvtmu 2012-05-31 오후 23:32

I didn't go to university femjoy
i think squirting is HOT. I can squirt myself and it just feels amazing
Every woman needs a man who will eat her ass just like that, THIS IS ONE HOT CLIP, DELICIOUS.
that was good fucking sex... love it.. one of the best porn videos.
this is so fucking hot wish i was there to join in
this guy is fuckin weak.
honestly...this was more creepy than hot to me

Ohvkwhsz 2012-05-31 오후 23:35

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for the love of god those are so divine tits
she's fucking hotttt!!!
thats one hot bitch
this girl is hot.
good comercial for electric
she can blow some dic!!

Hhusghxm 2012-05-31 오후 23:40

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i wish shit like this could happen to me for once!
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what's the name of the blondy?
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;Hi Wonderful contribution, thanks
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great vid, will watch again!
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Is that really censored?!?!?
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for such a young thing, she sure knows how to work a cock
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Shame about his man boobs
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this girl loves the dick, maybe should give her mine down her throat
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Gwctanqi 2012-05-31 오후 23:43

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That last dude was fucking hilarious. Arggghhhh Errrrrrr. Sounded like my dog! lol
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Damn she sooo thick...Just how I love em
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tjeeez bad german synchronics... FAIL
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This guy will die of HIV
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Really good, but figure out the sound.
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i love getting my pussy eaten out. Any real mean who knows how to eat pussy???
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i love the smile on her face once she gets it
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First girl = Freakin hot!! Second girl.... not so much.. no appitite for me this week... xD

Ehjusauv 2012-05-31 오후 23:45

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not even a good fuck
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i love this....so fucken hot. i shoot my load all over the place
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i wish i could be her
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,oh great thing, like it
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happiest day of my life puttin that ankle tag on him ..
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She has a great ass and body, just needs longer hair.
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To make sexy women put on strap ons and behave like chauvinistic men is so not cool
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He's annoying
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She is so sexy. I like her.
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I love her outfit! ^__^

Zxhgowgt 2012-05-31 오후 23:47

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amy is just born for por, i love her horny face.
I never heard of her and I feel sorry for that
she has way to many tatoos
what a bunch of idiots
how come you never see granny movies IN ENGLISH
its a shame that the vid keeps buffeting but apart from thta its good

Yjtcasef 2012-05-31 오후 23:51

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can some one send me a message and tell me wats the name of this girl please ????
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she is sooo hot..
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penny flame is her name
very nice but those tits are to fake you can tell by how they bounce
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lol at the racist video name
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good piece of ass, this chick...a shame she's sleeping with a super douche.
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god this is one of my fav videos, so hot
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i wish i could be in side her
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just hate bitches with fake tits...
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cool socks, and i've seen you in a sidebar add before.
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