
게이토끼 2007-10-15 00:08:24
+437 12030
“동성애 비판시 처벌” 입법 예고 논란

22일까지 법안 의견 받아... 팩스보내기, 반대서명 본격적 [2007-10-10 07:00]

동성애(성적지향)를 포함한 차별금지법안이 지난 2일 법무부에 의해 입법 예고된 가운데 이를 저지하기 위한 반대서명운동과 ‘반대의견 팩스보내기운동’이 기독인 교수를 중심으로 전개되는 등 동성애를 법적으로 허용하는 문제를 두고 크게 논란이 일고 있다.

이 차별금지법안은 합리적 이유 없이 가해지는 성적지향, 성별, 장애, 병력, 나이, 인종 등 20여 가지 항목에 대한 차별이 전면 금지되는 것으로써, 항목 중 성적지향은 동성애를 의미한다. 법무부는 동성애가 포함된 차별금지법안과 관련, 오는 22일까지 법안에 대한 의견을 받고 있다. 이에 팩스보내기운동이 매우 시급하게 전개되고 있으며 2주가 채 남지 않은 시간을 최대한 활용하기 위해 동성애 차별금지법안 반대서명도 16일까지 접수받고 있다.

현재 이 운동을 주도적으로 전개하고 있는 인물은 부산대학교 물리학과 길원평 교수로 그는 평소 동성애 차별금지법안에 대한 위험성을 꾸준히 알려 왔다. 그는 현재 주변 지인들에게 이메일을 통해 캠페인 동참을 요청하고 있으며, 이와 함께 배아복제반대모임 홈페이지(www.anticlone.kr)를 통해 반대서명을 받고 있다.

그는 이메일을 통해 “번거롭겠지만 5분만 시간을 내서 보내길 부탁한다. 팩스가 없다면 이메일을 통해 대신 보내드리겠다”며 “법이 만들어진 후에 후회를 하지 말고 반대에 최선을 다하자”고 참여를 간절히 요청하고 있다.

길 교수는 동성애 차별금지법안의 문제점에 대해 “동성애를 정상이라고 법적으로 인정하고, 그러한 인식을 강제력을 갖고 강요하는 것”이라며 “만약 동성애 차별금지법안이 통과되고 나면, 동성애를 비윤리적이라고 공개적인 장소에서 말하면 처벌을 받게 된다”고 경고했다.

그는 “예를 들어 모든 중고등학교에서 동성애를 정상이라고 가르쳐야 하며, 동성애로 물의를 일으킨 학생에게 징계를 할 수 없을 뿐 아니라, 동성애를 하지 않도록 상담하거나 권고조차 할 수 없다”며 “만약 그런 상담이나 징계를 하면 법에 의해서 처벌 받는다”고 위급함을 알렸다.

또 길 교수는 “TV와 같은 매스컴은 동성애의 문제점을 지적할 수 없으며, 동성애를 우호적으로 표현하는 영화, 동성애자들의 성적행위를 노골적으로 묘사하는 비디오 등이 많아질 가능성이 높다”며 “법에 의해서 동성애가 보호받고, 교육에서 동성애를 정상이라고 가르치고, 문화는 동성애를 하도록 유혹할 때, 동성애가 이 사회에 확산되는 것을 막을 길이 없다”고 이를 적극 막아야 함을 강조했다.

특히 그는 동성애 옹호자들에 대해서도 “동성애자들을 손가락질하고 괴롭히는 것은 반대한다”며 “하지만 건전한 대다수의 시민을 위해서 어느 정도의 사회적 보호막은 필요하다고 본다”고 강조했다.

길 교수는 “교육을 통해서 동성애가 비윤리적이라고 가르치는 것을 허용해야 하며 동성애로 물의를 일으킨 학생을 개인적으로 불러서 앞으로 하지 않도록 상담하고 권고할 수 있어야 한다”며 “또 전혀 반성의 기미가 없이 반복적으로 노골적으로 할 때는 어느 정도의 징계를 가할 수 있어야 하지만 이번 법안은 동성애를 정상으로 대할 것을 요구하고 있다”고 지적했다.

특히 동성애 옹호자들이 ‘동성애는 선천적으로 타고난 것’이라고 주장하는 데 대해서도 “일부 학자들이 동성애가 유전적, 생물학적인 요인에 의한 것이라고 주장하며 학술논문을 쓰고 있지만, 그것을 입증할 확실한 증거는 아직 없다”며 “만약 동성애를 유발할 유전적, 생물학적 경향이 있다 하더라도 사람은 동물과 달리 본능이나 경향을 충분히 억제할 수 있는 의지와 절제력을 갖고 있다”고 밝혔다. 길 교수는 “동성애가 환경에 의해 형성됐다고 보는 견해는 동성애에 대한 윤리도덕적 문제의식을 약화시킨다”고 덧붙였다.


본 기사에 이어 댓글란도 알흠답군요.

Kyxoency 2012-05-31 오전 07:09

Could you tell me the dialing code for ? lezbomovies
the dude does look like sasquatch but hes doin better than me lol
Guy or girl, who cares, she's fucking hot !
She chose some really nice dicks...wooww!
me and popstar can surely do something better...
That pussy got smashed hard.
Anybody knows the title of the movie or the name of the first blonde? (which is extremely hot!!)

Nigmuolt 2012-05-31 오전 07:28

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what a body! Could fuck it for hours! fffff
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she is gifted, her parents were ment to be together, she is BEAUTIFUL

Ovdvuegi 2012-05-31 오전 07:44

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he is her grandfather
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fucking love him!
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agree with you!!!!
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This guy couldn't make the dog cum with that pin dick.

Unkugoos 2012-05-31 오전 07:48

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To bad she didn't Swallow it...
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oh damn - just wet my damn drawers here!!!!!!!
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now that is good porn!
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She is Nicoleta Luciu and she is Romanian !!!
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NOOOO wheres the rest! i was feeling this she is hot!!!!
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name actress please ??

Zoadjlxr 2012-05-31 오전 07:57

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google GEMMA DEL SUD italian web star,i think that's her
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:top This is just great
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she is still sexy as hell and i like it...
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wow i normally don't like chubby girls but shes fucking hawt
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Amazing guy..and what a cock!!!!
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whats her name..??
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she is all i want

Tmvueoxh 2012-05-31 오전 08:17

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Best Alexis scene ever
this woman is fucking hot! nice body!
Gotta love sexy red heads

Zulhcshd 2012-05-31 오전 08:23

I like it a lot idumps
lol, justin bieber and miley cyrus??? hahaha
what a fucking hot chick would love to play with that
Fully shaved, perfect.
Her dirty talk doesn't turn me on; she should shut up.
,Hi Awesome, Thank you
best blowjob on pornhub hands down

Dpbryvkt 2012-05-31 오전 08:35

Will I get travelling expenses? brazzers
I would love to watch my wife do this
HAHA TIGHT SLUT. She looks like Asia Carrea
/remove and /burn this vid
Holy shit she looks like a fantastic fuck.
would gladly be her!!!!!!!
love it, wish i could get such a cock in my ass

Zozoweuu 2012-05-31 오전 08:45

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Good. All the way up her ass...
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Mandingo fucked her good.
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that doesnt look like Linares but can anyone confirm that it's her?

Icwtbooz 2012-05-31 오전 08:50

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I am so wet from watching this...
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Great body...wow..
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Wow, breathtaking fuck. Somebody wanna help me gt ther?
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wish there was partys like this in the u.s
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Russian do eet best.
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Hi, I'm Chris Hansen from Deadline NBC. Why don't you take sit?

Rntkozfj 2012-05-31 오전 08:53

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Wish my gf was that kinky =/
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zeigt den clit doch mal
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Lol,This must be russia for sure !

Ilnoqfez 2012-05-31 오전 08:57

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Damn brazilian shemales... Just perfect, but with a little 'detail'. lol
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The grilfriend would have to be dead in the next room they are making so much nosie.

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i like to fuck like that !!!
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Die alte ist ja voll zugedr

Xkkytguv 2012-05-31 오전 09:55

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LOVE this video, Kara looks particularly sexy on this one!
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Wish I kind find a blonde like that for cuckold action!
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Hottest video on the internet. No doubt.
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she has a nice chicken cutlet

Qodfhfom 2012-05-31 오전 09:56

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Momma wants that dick as baD as me
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hahahaha flacid penis...couldnt even cum...this guy is pathetic...do us all a favor and walk into oncoming traffic
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look at that theeth in the end

Imgquqws 2012-05-31 오전 10:00

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this movie sucks.......
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went to high school with that chick
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incest it good having sex with someone in your family.
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still got a hot ass tho
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Man must be heaven to fuck all this lovely girl
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somebody invite me to one!
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she is a sex machine!

Ujmkgcqh 2012-05-31 오전 10:04

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What a body on this bitch!
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I could watch that ass bounce all day. She's got great proportions. Brazilian women are unrivaled, period.
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I would love to abuse her.
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whats the name of the mom she is fucking hot i wanna find more videos of her
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i just wish that was me!

Ugcffdqd 2012-05-31 오전 10:08

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I know what a penis and vagina is...but what was that between her legs!? Some sort of fucking hybrid!?
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MMMM HMMMMMMM .......... She got a body I'd love to explore
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usually a woman moans when she enjoys getting fucked...
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wow...she is out of this world
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Shes a serious cutie
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One of the best videos I have ever seen...O.O
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why take much time to load this video?
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yeah much better on mute with your own music.
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wow she knows how to take it

Fbvjkegs 2012-05-31 오전 10:57

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I fucked Sunny at the Cathouse in Nevada.
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enough rimming
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i liked it...but the pen part wasn't my style
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The blonde is way hotter then Cytherea
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Sie bemueht sich ja ruehrend um sein kleines Teil..

Ohodsxgi 2012-05-31 오전 11:03

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what's her name? nice natural boobs
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omg this is so boring.
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hott video wud love to do thiss
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OMG my pussy is so wet
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What a beautiful fairy tale! They are soooo sweeet!!! Loved!
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perfect girl, beautiful body and awesome quality on this vid.
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She's a fantastic combination of Vida Guerra and Kim Kardashian - super sexy!
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omg i get hard watching this
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he did it on purpose
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id love to wake a guy up with a nice jerk and suck too!

Uaftcoax 2012-05-31 오전 11:10

Could I have , please? pornvideospider
alexis silver gives me blue balls....its awesome!
they faked the sound...
i would suck them titties all day. love the pussies
thats exactly how i want to have sex with my girl. only except my girl is wayyyyy sexier
What's her name?
ahhh, my keyboard is all wet now

Dkgsrtle 2012-05-31 오전 11:10

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Who is the second girl ?
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I wish he fucked the MILF longer...
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that is so hot. I love fucking with panties on
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Perfect combination would be skinny and beauty wife vs. curvy and horny mistress !
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i wish she was at my school
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I love that the guy is so horny.. Boys make some noise!
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Read the title genius.
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Kwpjmesn 2012-05-31 오전 11:12

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All of that nice delicious pussy and this guy wants to go at her asshole. Shorty is probably bisexual.
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not hot at all really,they kinda treat the chick like a dog
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OMG...I came over and over....my dildo is soaked! Love the titty service as well as the slit service.
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I would love to blow my load in her.
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Message me please, I want to be stuffed just like this!
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ohhhh shit. the socks are off. serious business.
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hahaha,im fthe first male to hit that spot,my tongue and dick need to be up in that
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Wau was so alles in eine Frau reinpasst.
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MAO! MAO! MAO! Keep her Cumming!
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ohh thx she's one of my favorite girls.

Djmzwfvr 2012-05-31 오전 11:14

We need someone with experience pornvideospider
They are both so fucking hot. I would love to get fuck by him while I eating her out!!!
shes hot, and nice dick
Amazing, this is definitely going in my favorites!!! I orgasmed about five times all the way through that!!!
i swear, this dude gets the best girls
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm !!
does brandy ever do anal

Ptskmcaf 2012-05-31 오전 11:26

Who's calling? needbang
shes not asian, shes indian
Pussy FARTS (QUEEF) in doggy HA HA HA Sound Funny!
Whats this chicks name?
i fucking love this video
This blonde doesn't know how to handle Cytheria's orgasms.
i think this is sooo hot

Howqtttm 2012-05-31 오후 12:03

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i wish i was her. hes like skill at hardcore. mmmmm
never came harder
Need to put this on my to do list
i need this man tocome fuck mee !
What's with the Dildo...what happened to his Dick? this is such a humiliation to the dude....lol
I want Jewels to break me.

Mjyabaem 2012-05-31 오후 12:39

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i have to get myself a black gf!
Anyone notice that she called him by his real name at one point? lol Damn, he must be good.
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Damn! What's that girl's name??
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Quality suck yes?
She seems bored!!
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This has to be linked to her btw
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I hope she cleaned her ass before she got rimmed

Ryzhwpgy 2012-05-31 오후 15:21

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sweetness there!!!!!!!!!!!!
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cant stop thinking about licking that ass and pussy, mm fuck!
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Gbzshzbt 2012-05-31 오후 15:23

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i wanna join them

Tesashjx 2012-05-31 오후 15:25

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I have that rug!
he has to shut up
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Joeeojgv 2012-05-31 오후 15:27

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Uqbyeooi 2012-05-31 오후 15:31

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thts some good dick . FUCK Where Can I Get Some Like tht
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She looks better as a blonde.
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Shes hot! I would keep cumming inside her pussy until i gave her a baby!
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...sometimes HD ain't a good thang!
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