
게이토끼 2007-04-06 01:19:25
+6 4171

주연(성우) : Tim Curry, David Duchovny

제 친구 퀴어 오리입미다.

작품 소개 :
This film is the cartoon story of a gay duck, his life, his loves and his adventures. He marries a diva, he tries sexual behavior modification therapy with a Christian fundamentalist, buys an amusement park, and generally lives it up.

That's the general plot, but this film is an absolute riot. Loaded with gags, parody, puns, double entendres, etc. Musical and dance numbers galore. Fabulous guest appearances by the stars we know and love. I laughed until it hurt. There are no words that can adequately describe this film, and all I can really say about it is if you like mad cap humor, this one's for you. NOT a profound statement about the gay experience. And buy the DVD -- you can order it on Amazon.

Guest appearances by Michael, Barbra, Liz, and the usual suspects.

P.S. To Wayne who wrote the pejorative comments about my review: I had absolutely nothing to do with the making of this film, I do not know anyone who made this film, and I have not received any incentives, financial or otherwise, to promote it. I saw it in a packed auditorium with a seating capacity of 1,407. No one walked out during the screening, and most of the audience was laughing as much as I was. I'll admit it's goofy humor, but duh! it's a cartoon.

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마음연결 프로젝트는 한국게이인권운동단체 친구사이에서 2014년부터 진행하고 있는 성소수자 자살예방 프로젝트입니다.