
Spanish20 2013-03-18 18:01:22
+3 89

Hello! I am a 20 years old Spanish boy who is looking forward to making new friends =)

I am studying Korean right now and I find difficult to find gay people to talk to, I'm really happy that this community exists! I have started 

Korean Studies at University and I want to know more about the situation of gay people in Korea.

I will help with anything, so please, contact me and let's be friends! I know a little Korean but it is still very difficult to me D: 

I did all I could to join this community!

낙타 2013-03-18 오후 23:54

안녕하세요 Spanish20님
한국과 또 친구사이에 많은 관심을 가져 주셔서 감사드립니다 :^)
더 자세한 문의는 chingusaii@naver.com 으로 메일을 주세요.

루치오풀치 2013-03-20 오전 04:33


Quite interesting. How could you find this community? It’s not so easy to cross this site over google or other searchers. Well, I wish that you will find nice people here. More than that, I am interested how the gay life in Spain is.

I will spend a week in this May on Mallorca :) It's my first visit on Mallorca, and I am already very excited. I know, Mallorca is not like gay-friendly Ibiza (ok, that was too gay-friendly like Gran Canaria). And I’m going there just(!ha ha ha!) to hike on the Serra Tramuntana with some friends. But I think, I will visit nights some bars in Palma de Mallorca. Well, I hope that I can use a few spanish words that I can still remember.

¡Muchas gracias y buena suerte!

Spanish20 2013-03-21 오전 02:28

Thanks for your reply! :)
I found this community by doing a little research about the situation of gay people in Korea. I needed some days to finally find it and be able to sign up with my little Korean!
I think Spain is a pretty open minded country about homosexuality, although there is a lot to be done yet.
Here, gay people can get married and adopt children, and most of people (especially young ones) have no problem with that. Most of my friends and professors know that I am gay and have no problem at all.
Homosexuality appears in every aspect of our lives (television, culture... even when I was studying History we had a class about that).
However there are still people (conservative people, specially old men) reluctant to accept this reality, but they are a minority.

I would like to know more about homosexuality in your country and make some friends to improve my Korean :)
마음연결 프로젝트는 한국게이인권운동단체 친구사이에서 2014년부터 진행하고 있는 성소수자 자살예방 프로젝트입니다.